Piano recital with 9 year old girl, Frances Metlar, (? Hard to make out last name. Sounds like Matlaurer or Mattlar or Matlock or...?) She says to the host she learned to play piano from Mary Kittleton (?). San Diego. There is some audience applause so this is a live performance.

Audio sample for you to check out. (Audio capture is raw, very noisy. No noise reduction or effects used.) Note acetate is in poor condition with heavy leaching. Needs a solid cleaning.

Other songs are? and Polish Dance. (Two piano, no vox songs.) She also does some reading not sure from what. You get both discs. One 10" and one 12". 3 sides of recorded material in all. The best selection is "I Wanna Go Back To West Virginia" with singing.

Again, quality is poor and these are being sold as-is. (No returns.) The internet tells me the white waxy substance is palmitic and/or stearic acids that are able to be cleaned (referencing NEDCC.org.) I did not attempt to clean the two records aside from a quick, slightly damp paper towel rub-down and quick dry.