Here are 4 really interesting items.  Variations of this are used today, a pneumatic paper transfer system from a bank or department store.  You may remember them.  Before electronics, information and paper had to get from the sales points in large department stores to the financial office.  Electrical devices for the purpose didn't exist so in the late 1800 a chap named Lamson invented a suction tube system for "poofing" these around a facility.  A lady bought a pair of gloves at the haberdashery counter and the young clerk took her cash, a written note if necessary and put them in the receptacle.  A push of a button and suction shot it up to the office in seconds.  A clerk there made the change and sent it back with a receipt.  A known customer with an account could simply have a purchase order sent up and the receipt came back.  I saw these in use when I was a kid.

These 4 canisters are solid brass, weighing 160 grams each.  One is even equipped with it's original bumpers and cloth seals.  The seal is made of a material very much resembling fire hose.  The felt bumper is well, felt!  Presumable some chap in the basement of the store named Arthur OR Charlie replaced the worn parts when required. 

One real advantage of this system that might not have been appreciated at the time is that these would cut down on the instances of robbery.  One would have to breach the main office for that.

So, here they are.  4 of them.  Each measures 4 1/4" long and is 1 3/4" in diameter.  Since one is complete, you could refurbish all the others if you have a source for impregnated canvas fabric and felt.

Good luck and thanks for looking at one of The Mighty Atom's sales.