About this Item

The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Yu Fei
The Title is Le Corbusier Public Buildings

Condition New

Other Comments
Pages Count - 472. Binding type - Hardcover.
Content Language - English
Category - ARCHITECTURE / Individual Architects & Firms / Monographs
ARCHITECTURE / Buildings / Public, Commercial & Industrial
ARCHITECTURE / Buildings / General

Product Description -
Through the process of redrawing the plans of a wide range of completed projects by Le Corbusier, this book offers a new interpretation of his architectural works. Redrawing all the technical drawings provides an insight into the thoughts of the architect when dealing with different building types with different functions and provides a fresh understanding of the morphological strategies. Containing 11 different types of public buildings completed by Le Corbusier, this book draws on 80 of his works, and includes drawings and 3D model spatial diagrams. When examined in the context of completion date, the reader is able to observe the continuity and transition of Le Corbusier's design ideas. By focusing on Le Corbusier and his influential architecture, the book provides a better understanding of the morphological basis of modernist architecture in the 20th century.

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