WGS (Warehouse Guitar Speakers) Invader 50 Speaker

I have two of these killer speakers from WGS available. This is my all-time favourite speaker but I've moved over to Neos these days for the weight saving, so here we are...

These speakers are marketed as higher power 50w Celestion Greenbacks and they have that classic Celestion sound and stick much closer to a vintage Celestion than something like the Creambacks IMO. However, they're much more than just a Greenback derivative!

To my ear, this speaker captures a lot of the magic of an Alnico Blue and mixes that with the sound of a 20w Greenback.

Greenback is a very broad category, from 20w, 25w, 30w, with 55hz or 75hz cones, and an M or H magnet - so to say that any speaker sounds "like a Greenback" is misleading.

To me, this speaker has the sweet top end with some clang and chime you might associate with an Alnico Blue, a touch of the raspiness of a Greenback, and a vintage style low end that's squishy without being bloated or loose.

It's an excellent speaker and one that I'll miss hearing.

The speakers weigh 4kg each and are finished in a metallic green.

These speakers are £120 + £9 postage new. Both speakers were bought new from Lean Business.

Both speakers are nicely worn in and sounding great with no defects or signs of wear. Excellent condition