One of a kind, full sheet format very early tintype of Mary Baker Eddy from circa 1853-1860. Typically, tintypes are much smaller than this one. It utilizes the entire tin sheet, measuring 6.5 x 8 1/3 inches. To my knowledge, this is the only copy of this picture in existence. Most photos show Mary Baker Eddy with dark eyes, but in fact they were grey, which you can see here.

My grandmother was a Christian Science practitioner most of her life, and she had a trove of Mary Baker Eddy items, including handwritten letters from her that I sold many years ago. This was tucked into one of my grandmother's numerous copies of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, and was stored with her letters. According to her, having the picture of MBE in her Key helped her find the passages to read her patients that were the most beneficial.