The magician draws a spider web on the back of a card. The audience can even touch it with their hands. It is indeed a two-dimensional picture. When the magician shakes slightly, a three-dimensional spider instantly appears on the card!

The spider can be handed over to the audience for inspection. The painting turns into a real object! This is a magic trick that will definitely shock your audience. The gimmick is very cleverly designed, and there is absolutely no problem with live performance!

You can even extend more routines, not only limited to the spider. Get it now!

  • Roughing Stick by Vanishing Inc.

Thirty years of research from Harry Robson has led to the exact formula of what we now present: the Roughing Stick. This is a stick of a hard substance and what it does is simply incredible.

When you rub the surface of the stick against a card, it will act as roughing fluid does, only better. The cards stay together in roughed pairs, yet are more easily separated without fumbling whenever you want. The stick leaves NO RESIDUE, and with the roughing stick supplied you can create at least 150 Invisible Decks! This is, for all purposes, a LIFETIME supply. The best part? It’s so inexpensive.

Imagine the possibilities. Packet tricks, Brainwave, Invisible Deck, and more just got MUCH easier to make, on your own, and many original tricks that would have required a spraying shed or a craftsman to manufacture can now be done at your kitchen table within minutes.

To see just how practical it is, you can watch Harry Robson make an Invisible Deck in less than two minutes in the trailer. It’s a great new technology at an unbeatable price.

Includes a 14-minute instructional video detailing exactly how to apply the roughing stick to make your own gimmicked decks.

  • Cosmao Solano's Super Clipped

Not since TWISTED SISTER, NFW, ULTIMATE 3 CARD MONTE, has there been a card routine this powerful!


A small spread of five cards is shown, the black 2's and 3's, along with the Ace of Hearts. The spectator is asked to try and "clip" the only red card, the Ace of Hearts, with a paper clip. They try and try but to no avail!

Finally, to make it easier you separate the Ace from the four black cards, allow them to clip it, THEY CAN SEE THE FACE to be sure! The card WITH THE CLIP STILL ON, is set on the table.

WITH NO MOVES, NO SLEIGHTS NO COUNTS ETC... The clipped card on the table is slowly turned over and shown to now be the 2 of clubs!

Where's the Ace? The real question is "WHICH ACE?" because in your hand are not one, but FOUR Aces of Hearts!

  • Hall of Fame Playing Cards by Saturn Magic Co. (new, sealed)

This spectacular card magic and mentalism hybrid is the debut release in the "iNFiNiTi Marked Deck Series".

"Celebrity Deck" is a specially-made marked deck of cards that allows you to reveal both a chosen playing card and a celebrity. It's also the perfect way to force a celebrity for your favorite effects like "Phantom Artist" or "Revelation Gum".

This gorgeous custom deck of cards features beautiful illustrations of the most popular living celebrities in the world. (Another deck featuring deceased celebs like Elvis and Michael Jackson will be available at a later date.)

Beyond performing celebrity reveals, these stunning cards are also pipped and indexed like normal playing cards. So, you can use "Celebrity Deck" for all your favorite card tricks without having to worry about wasting pocket space on another deck of cards.

As a special extra detail, all the female celebrities have been put on red cards and all the male celebrities have been put on black cards. This enables you to perform a truly one-of-a-kind "Out of This World".

The defining feature of "Celebrity Deck" though is undoubtedly it's magnificent marking system that allows you to perform two powerful reveals.

These deceptive markings allow you to instantly know the suit/value of the card AND the celebrity at a glance. To you, they'll be gloriously easy to spot. You can read them from up to 10ft (3m) away. Yet, to your audience, they remain basically invisible.

There's even a bonus routine taught where, without peeking, you can figure out which celebrity card was picked and shuffled back into the deck by your helper.

The "Celebrity Deck (Hall of Fame Edition)" also comes with bonus cards:

  • Baby gag cards
  • Double backer
  • Double facer

Get "Celebrity Deck" by Mark iNFiNiTi and Saturn Magic today.

  • Inside the Head of Donnie Orbit by Dave Forrest
"Donny Orbit exhibits a fresh approach with his effects. I always look forward to his stuff!" - JOSHUA JAY

Donny Orbit has been cropping up all over the place recently, having effects published in MAGIC, GENII and ANTINOMY and contributing to Nathan Kranzo's 'Moving Tanline' DVD. Full 52 is pleased to announce the release of his first commercial release - 'Inside the head of Donny Orbit!'

6 amazing close up routines from an extremely offbeat thinker. 'Off the wall' plots with a direct and practical approach. Not only is this magic you'll use, it's magic that'll make you smile, shake your head, kick yourself and swear out loud - all at the same time!

"I could try and draw comparisons to other magicians. I could tell you that the material contained within would have been completely at home on the pages of Paul Harris' legendary 'Art of Astonishment' series. I could tell you I'm 100% sure that the name Donny Orbit will soon become synonymous with offbeat, commercial close up but instead, I'll just let you absorb this collection of weird and wonderful magic, plucked directly from inside the head of Donny Orbit!" - DAVE FORREST from the introduction to this manuscript.


SUPERMAN -- A drawing of a lump of coal is squeezed in the magicians hand where it changes to a drawing of a diamond! The drawing then becomes a REAL DIAMOND!

FUTURE BURN - A spectator chooses any finger on a drawing of a hand. The magician opens a sealed envelope and reveals that he correctly predicted which finger would be chosen. Then he reveals a REAL BLISTER on his own corresponding finger!

SOUPED CAN - Two selected cards are lost into the pack. Both cards are then found through a random number offered by the spectators. The cards are lost for a second time and the spectators proceed to find both cards with the deck in their own hands!

JUST IN CASE - Three cards are chosen and returned to the pack. One card appears under the card case but, it's the wrong card. With a snap, anoth er card appears under the case and this time, it IS a selection! Then, the first 'wrong' card changes into a selection and finally the whole deck appears under the card case except for the final selection!

FOILED - The magician demonstrates how an impression of a coin can be made in tin foil. Then he proceeds to 'mint' a second coin right out of the mould! Cautioning that it is a fake he then SCREWS THE COIN INTO A TIN FOIL BALL AND HANDS IT OUT FOR EXAMINATION!

CHERRY THING - The stalk of a cherry is plucked from the fruit and knotted in the magicians mouth! The knotted stalk is then magically re-attached to the cherry and handed out for examination!

Pages 12 - Saddle Stitched