The following NOS Audio Research parts package is offered in this listing (These parts are all exact replacement parts for the AR D-150 classic tube amplifier!):

A. 2 sets of female RCA jacks. One set is the original stock part and the second set is what AR used in newer amps.

B. 2 Original new terminal output blocks

C. 3 Original meter face replacement units complete with glass. Again this is the exact replacement part used by AR!

D. One new original power switch (almost impossible to find). This is the power switch that turns on the D-150 and then allows for voltage selection.

These parts are the ones most D-150 owners wish they could find to replace their most often broken parts. Now you can rest easy having these replacements parts.

These parts were received from Audio Research some years ago. in my past, I was an AR dealer and previous owner of three Audio Research D-150s.

You are getting the exact parts as shown in the pictures. As these are new, be sure you want them as they can not be returned!

Happy Hunting
