Lawes, Bruce and Western Association of Art Museums (1976). New Guinea Art: The Bruce Lawes Collection: Circulating Exhibition 1977-1978. Oakland, Calif., Western Association of Art Museums

A rare small exhibition catalog (39 pages) of a private collection of art from New Guinea. A short forward by Richard V. West, president of the Western Association of Art Museums and an introduction by the collector followed by a opening section detailing the different regional artistic styles on this extremely diverse island. The bulk of this publication is devoted to large (mostly full-page) image of select objects with a detailed caption and a short paragraph discussion of each object. Includes a map with an enlargement of the Sepik River area.

This appears to be a rare catalog.  The only other copy that I can find lists for $75. Grab yours today!

Check out my other listings of Oceanic, Melanesian, and New Guinea art books for additional rare finds.