Parsons, Lee Allen, Jack Savage and St. Louis Art Museum (1972). Ritual Arts of the South Seas: The Morton D. May Collection: The St. Louis Art Museum, 22 August-19 October, 1975. St. Louis, St. Louis Art Museum

A catalog of one of the premier collections of Oceanic art in the Unites States. Morton D. May (25 March 1914 – 13 April 1983) was an American philanthropist and art collector. He was also at various times director, chairman of the board, and chief executive officer of the May Department Stores Company.  May focused his collection in three areas, German Expressionism, Mesoamerica, and the indigenous arts of various cultures around the globe, including primarily art from Oceania, Africa, and other Pre-Columbian art. Over the course of his life May gifted around three thousand art objects to the Saint Louis Art Museum.  This catalog is devoted to the Oceanic part of his vast collection.

The catalog is arranged geographically with sections on Australia, Indonesia (some great works from Borneo), Melanesia (with strong Asmat, Sepik, and Papuan Gulf works), and Polynesia.  See images for detailed TOC. Each work is illustrated by a color (some) or black and white (most) vivid images with a detailed caption and a short discussion of the significant of each piece.

Check out my other listings of Oceanic, Melanesia, Polynesia, and other regions of world art and cultures for additional rare finds.