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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Neil Cotter
The Title is Dublin: The Chaos Years : How the Dubs Made a Mess of Things for So Long - and How They Turned It Around

Condition New

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Product Description -
Irish Times Sports Book of the YearDublin has become the dominant force in Gaelic football, setting new standards of skill and efficiency. But it was not very long ago that the county was a byword for underachievement and disorganization. Every year from 1996 to 2010, the Dubs found new and creative ways of losing, of causing their fans to suffer, and of earning the scorn of the wider GAA public. Based on interviews with former players and coaches, Dublin: The Chaos Years tells the entertaining and sometimes scarcely believable story of how the Dubs managed to make such a hames of things over a period of fifteen years. It also traces the beginnings of the turnaround, as the bad habit of failure began to give way to a healthier culture. Full of frank, witty and sometimes outrageous stories and analysis from the people who were at the centre of it, Dublin: The Chaos Years is a book for every Gaelic football fan. 'Fascinating' Kieran Cunningham, Irish Daily Star'From unwelcoming veterans to arseboxing and collapsing human pyramids to marching to the Hill to startled earwigs to champs, Cotter has it all covered in a very well-written and insightful read' Kieran Shannon, Irish Examiner'This book offers fascinating insight into the egos, dressing room divides, and bad habits which held the county back on the field. ... It's full of honest and witty interviews with players, coaches and officials from that revolutionary period.' Darren Frehil, RTE Culture'Cotter has done some terrific interviews ... the raw, hard-nosed nature of the Dublin dressing room at the end of the 1990s jumps from the page. ... Well worth anyone's time' Malachy Clerkin, Irish Times Sports Books of 2018

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153565756

Unique Reference Number 2327452021