This auction includes all of the vintage items shown in the photos above--two different systems: the Ambico THE SHADE+ creative fiter system Model #911 for 35mm/4.5x6 cm--with its bellow base to hold its creative filters included and listed below  AND the Cokin Filter System with included filters listed below.  I used both systems on my 35mm SLR Canon AE1 and AE1P cameras--and I think I also used it on my Bronica 645 system, but I'm not sure. 

Various shape and blank 3x3 filters that come with this include heart, champagne glasses, circle and square, as well as blanks that allow you to make your own designs.  A Do It Yourself Matte Box Usage Workshop booklet by Jack Curtis is also included.

ALSO included are 2 Cokin camera 52mm lens base mount attachments (with covers) to hold an assortment of Cokin filters.  Included filters: 1 square red clear plastic filter, 1 square filter with clear center that is fuzzy around the clear circle center, 2 round Cokin A056 flters, 1 round System A lens adapter for 58mm lens mount, and 1 darker filter with an unreadable identifier on it.

Included literature on the Shade+ references the following information.  Enhance your creativity and improve your results with this Shade+ by Ambico.  It helps you make montages, vignettes, and multple exposures.  The built in filter stage at the rear of the Shade+ accepts a full range of 3x3 inch filters and special effect lens attachments--whether made of acetate, gel, CR39 or glass.  At the front of the Shade+ special tensiioned slots accommodate masks to create montages, vignettes, split images, and other special effects.  As the bellows moves along its calibrated track, Shade+ provides optimum protection against flare.

The Ambico Shade+ Matte Box Kit is a camera accessory, as is the Cokin camera mount and filters. The matte box helps to control light and reduce glare while filming, and the Cokin mount allows for easy attachment to the camera. The included filters can be used to adjust the color and brightness of the footage.