Selling off more of my collection.


Preset Pentacon 135mm f2.8 with 15 blade iris.

I personally disassembled and cleaned the lens in 2022.

Focusing is exceptionally smooth, as is adjusting the aperture.

Externally the lens is less than ideal, with a lot of wear and what appears to be a serial number of some sort scratched into the base.

Front element; very faint swirls and what I think are dings given they did not come away after cleaning the glass.

Middle elements; some sort of discolouration around the edge. I've yet to encounter a Pentacon telephoto lens which doesn't have this happen to it. It doesn't appear to be separation or Schneideritis and it doesn't affect image quality. Some light haze as well.

Rear element; clear, with four lines on the inside of the glass.

See last images for pictures taken with this lens.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.