Z80-MBC2 retro computer - PCB only
Black solder mask.

An innovative design from Just4Fun that, once constructed, can run multiple operating systems and programming languages. Currently these are:
  • CP/M 2.2
  • CP/M 3 (aka CP/M Plus)
  • QP/M 2.71
  • UCSD Pascal
  • Collapse O/S
  • Fuzix
  • Microsoft Basic
  • fig-FORTH 1.13
There is a considerable amount of vintage software available on the 'net which runs under CP/M and QP/M, including other programming languages (e.g. C, ALGOL, FORTRAN, COBOL), office-type software (e.g. WordStar, dBase II), text-based games such as the legendary Zork series and more utility programs than you can shake a stick at!

The homepage for the project can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/Z80-MBC2. There is also an active Z80-MBC2 user group on Facebook which is an invaluable source of help and support.

This listing is for a bare PCB only, it is up to you to source the other components and assemble the SBC. Good soldering skills required.