For sale is a TEAC A-2300SX 4 track  Reel to Reel tape deck recorder. It is in  very good condition albeit with scuffs, marks and ONE VU METER LAMP OUT AS SHOWN! Refer to pics. It has been tested, serviced, calibrated and the heads were cleaned and demagnetized for the best sound ever!. The mic inputs were tested and they work as well as the other inputs. The pots and switches were sprayed and the metal parts were lubed as well. Both channels are clear and superb sounding as well. The belts and caps were checked and they’re good. All the functions work and the VU Meters light up and jump like they are supposed to. The sound when recording at 3 3/4 IPS is very clear and better and wider sounding than the Source recording from, depending on the type of tape used and better at 7 1/2 IPS . The heads are also in very good shape which is obviously why the quality is awesome as well. Pictured reels are my personal set for testing, for demonstration purposes only and NOT INCLUDED. 

You may also purchase this deck at a DISCOUNTED price at my Reverb store also under DJ Z Vintage Audio. 

Here are the specifications:
Track system: 4-track ,2channel, stereo system
Heads: 1 x record, 1 x playback, 1 x erase
Motor : 1 x capstan, 2x reel motors
Reel size: up to 7 inch reel
Tape speeds:  7 1/2 and 3 3/4 ips
Wow and flutter: 0.07% (7 1/2 IPS)
Frequency response: 40Hz to 28kHz (7 1/2IPS )
Signal to Noise Ratio: 58dB
Crosstalk: 35dB

The price is $599.99. Unfortunately, there will NOT be much wiggle room on the price due to the high seller fees here on eBay. Adding this to your watchlist and/or shopping cart to try to pressure me for a significant price reduction a few weeks later WILL NOT WORK! The way to get this deck for cheaper is to purchase at my Reverb . com store also under DJZ Vintage Audio



After nearly 20 years of repairing and selling vintage audio reel to reel decks, This will be the last year in business for DJZ Vintage Audio. 

This decision was made after long and careful consideration. 

The reasons are many, but I don’t feel the need to go into details. Suffice to say, there comes a time where it’s time to pursue other interests and I feel this is that time. So, this NOT a retirement speech, just simply time to move on. 

During these final months, there will be an undefined amount of reel to reel inventory, including reel to reel parts and restored tape decks. Every attempt will be made to include a deck for every customer and every customer’s price range, though it is NOT guaranteed which exact make and models will be available. 

Very high end, 1/2 inch and luxurious high priced models, however, will unfortunately not be offered and at the moment, it seems most of these decks will be the popular budget priced, upper mid range and lower high end priced models as well as the popular 1/4 inch Semi-pro models (AKAI, TEAC, TASCAM, Pioneer) so I can reach as many customers around the world as possible. I make no guarantee as to when I will have a particular model available, but I will try my best. I will create package deals for each deck sold whenever possible as a way of saying “thanks” for your purchases and to help you get your moneys worth. 

After that, DJZ Vintage Audio will be closing up shop.

To everyone who has purchased all of my reel to reel decks and other items in the past, Thank You! You are the reason I was able to stay in business for as long as I was able to and you have made it worth my while! Reel to reel tape decks have been a part of my life since I was a teenager, and I truly enjoyed tinkering with them and love the sound quality, but it’s time for a change. 

I will make the most out of this last year and hope to see many more of you and hope that all of my tape decks offered will suit your recording and/or playback needs!

Thank you and see you on the last run!

-DJZ Vintage Audio