
The model TR-43 H represents the ultimate in turntable design.

This is specifically recommended for systems capable of reproducing frequencies below 40 cycles.

The construction and performance standards are the same as for the finest Rek-O-Kut 16 inch broadcast models.

Wow and flutter content and speed regulation are well within the specified limits defined by the NARTB.

The TR-43 H is fitted with 4-pole constant speed induction motors.


Speed selection: instantaneous shift engages either idler without stopping turntable or removing the disc.

Noise level: 40dB, 50dB (H)

Speeds: 33 and 45rpm (optional 78rpm idler adaptor)

Motor: 4-pole induction, hysteresis synchronous (H)

Shipping weight: 18lbs, 19lbs (H)