As You Begin These Lessons Try to see Jesus as he lived and worked so many years ago.

This is not easy to do, but it can be done if you will study the Bible passages over and over, and use your imagination to fill in what is suggested. Begin this study as if you had never before heard of him. Make up your mind you are going to know the real Jesus, to understand his problems and ways of meeting them, and to find what he has to say today to us who face real problems in daily living. In each lesson you will note that you are asked to find certain facts.

Then there is a problem for you to

solve and discuss in the class. A few questions for class consideration aim to make you think through the problem and find a way to meet it.

Use your Bibles. Keep a notebook. In it write your facts and record your thoughts and observations. In this way your work week by week will come to have a permanent value.

It will also be very interesting to compare what you said of Jesus today with what you think of him at the conclusion of this study.

The Record of Jesus' Life and Work

The story of Jesus' life is very brief. Only a few… (excerpt)