NWTS Gymboree Tip Toe Tulip, Indian Summer, or Strawberry Patch girls leggings sz 3, 3T   100% cotton, pull-on

choose from drop-down menu, each, individually priced:

Strawberry Patch: White with strawberry vines & flowers sz 3T

Tip Toe Tulip: Pink with tulip flowers print, sz 3T

Tip Toe Tulip: Solid Pink  sz 3

Tip Toe Tulip: Pink with white polka-dots  sz 3

Tip Toe Tulip: White with tulip flower print  sz 3

Indian summer: solid, navy blue  sz 3

US 1st class S&H $2.95, US Priority $5.95, Canada $8.95, Internatinal 1st class S&H $10.95...paypal within  3 days of auction end...no returns