Personalised First Name Meaning

& New Born Baby Poem

This personalised item will display the child's first name in a fun baby block font

Followed by the meaning of the name in a bold layout

It boasts a gender relevant poem beautifully centred within the style chosen


Choose from 23 different designs available, for Boy, Girl or any combination of Twins.

From colour to black & white, from Classic scrolls to simplistic pictures, there is sure to be a style to suit you


This will make a wonderful keepsake, a much loved gift, a decorative item for baby's room ......and more


You will either receive one print on 160gsm paper (ideal For Framing)

Or one print laminated

Printed on high quality paper with top quality inks

They will be sent First Class post in a card backed envelope marked

'Please Do Not Bend'



Please provide Name & Gender

(Exactly as you would like it to appear)

Via the message box at PayPal payment (Please ensure you submit message)

EBay Email (message to seller)

 (NOTE: We are unable to process your order without this

information & delivery may delayed if not supplied at point of sale)


All wording is copied and pasted to avoid any spelling errors,

Therefore please ensure you check your message thoroughly