Children's Party & Activity Songs

30 Party Time Favourite Songs -

We believe that children should be heard as well as seen,

 and party time (or any other playtime occasion) should be turned into a joyous and frantic event.

So here is a GREAT collection of children's favourite songs and nursery rhymes,

some with children singing, some with grown-ups.





1. The Hokey Cokey

2. This Old Man

3. Turkey In the Straw

4. Itsy Bitsy Spider

5. London Bridge is Falling Down

6. Clementine

7. Stupid Cupid (Children sing this song - cute!)

8. Row, Row, Row Your Boat

9. Barbados

10. Pat-a-Cake

11. Alouette

12. Skip to My Lou

13. I've Been Working On the Railroad

14. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

15. If You're Happy and You Know It

16. Polly-Wolly-Doodle

17. Bingo

18. Pop! Goes the Weasel

19. The Birdie Song

20. The Old Gray Mare

21. Oh Susanna

22. Old McDonald

23. Agadoo

24. Yankee Doodle

25. The Farmer In the Dell

26. The Bear Went Over the Hill

27. Dancing Queen (Children sing this song - cute!)

28. Simon Says

29. Wig Wam Bam

30. Do the Conga


*****Bring it on, kids!*****


This cd is almost better than chocolate ice cream....and lasts much longer too!


Singers include the Kid's Players, the Minipop Kids & the Sunny Days

Playing time is ages - well, around 68 minutes anyway

Suitable for all children from very young to really big and almost adult


CD is brand new, factory sealed and guaranteed

CD plays on all cd players worldwide - overseas orders welcome


Customer comments about this cd:


"My little boy loves this! It's full of lots of feel good songs, even I like most of the tracks on it and found myself singing along! Definitely would recommend."
"Brillant, thank you...."
"Fab thank you"
Happy, Uplifting, Cheerful Songs - Even if it's raining....! 
Oh, you're making us BLUSH. Thanks, everyone!