The Donjoy Wrist Wrap is very a very popular diving wrist guard as worn by some of the top divers in the world, including Tom Daley.

Springboard or platform divers can hit the water at speeds of up to 35mph, and cliff divers can reach over 60mph! A large amount of force is applied to the wrist on impact with the water so wearing a diving wrist guard is important to protect the wrist from injury.

The Donjoy wrist wrap protects the wrist by limiting the range of motion of the joint with interchangable foam inserts. This prevents the wrist bending too far or overtwisting on impact to the water.

- Diving Wrist Guard
- As worn by Tom Daley
- Protects diver's wrists on impact 

1 x Wrist Wrap per pack - Also available as a Pair