8 pack of All Insect Traps.  Dimensions:  2.5" x 6".  Catch ALL flying or crawling insects.  Flies, bees, wasps, moths, spiders, crickets, Asian beetles, ladybugs, yellow jackets, stink bugs, millipedes, all crawling or flying insects..

No Chemicals, No Pesticides, No Pheromones.  Safe, clear, effective, sticky on one side glue traps will last several weeks. Insects are trapped as they step or land in the film of glue on the sheet.   Place them at the base of the window (not sticky on back)  or on the floor along a wall.  Easy to use.  Disposable.
8 traps with instructions in sealed poly bag.  Shelf life...3 years. 

Testimonies / Reviews / Feedback:

I am completely satisfied.
Traps were bought for kitchen moth. I placed 2 traps on top of the wall cabinets. In a week both were full of moths, and our kitchen was free of them.


We've caught so many flies with this inexpensive, non-smelling trap.       



Work super- I had an asian ladybug issue. Arrived fast


I was looking for a solution to our lady bug problem when I bought my first pack of these. It worked well for that but then as spring and summer came, we found they are excellent for flies! I put them on the windowsills, and when the flies buzz around there trying to get out, they get stuck and die. This is cruel but it keeps them off our food, bodies, and from buzzing around the house at night keeping us awake. One trap will last for at least a couple months if it is not in direct sun. Direct sun seems to cure the adhesive more quickly, but they still last about a month. For my second order, I got many packs because the shipping doesn't increase for the first 5-10 packs. This made them incredibly economical. I like that they don't have an odor, since we are sensitive to synthetic chemicals. I'm going to try some on the mice in the basement.



This product works!,  


Dear alphabakercharlie1,

I did get the traps thanks you I put food on the center of the trap and 
each trap had 4-6 cockroaches thank you !



Worked as advertised. Trapped a pesky cricket I couldn't find. Thanks.   



I do recommend this product.  


Worth the money!., 

I Purchased these traps and definitely glad I found them. I have tried many things over the years to 'catch and destroy' the pesky, Asian Lady Bugs. These sticky strips certainly helped a great deal. I am not sure there is anything except gooey sprays that will get them ALL, however these strips worked nicely. Once they were on the sticky stuff they did NOT get away - YES!!!! I will order them again only sooner this Fall.