Manufactured For Health Solution Prime
Made in USA
3 Bottles 180 Capsules

Improved mood and feeling of well-being
Increased lean muscle mass, decreased fat
Healthier cholesterol profile 
Optimized production of testosteron
Enhanced sexual performance and Libido
Stronger immune system
Increased energy
Mental clarity
Better sleep

L-Dopa (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) is a naturally occurring substance, which can also be synthesized. Many commercially availabLe L-Dopa supplements are extracts of the plant Mucuna Pruriens. Mucuna Pruriens provides a neurotransmitter pre-cursor called L-Dopa. L-Dopa is the amino acid compound from which your body makes Dopamine. As a regular part of the diet, Mucuna Pruriens provides many benefits. Mucuna Pruriens common names include Velvet Bean, Cow-Itch (because the red hairs on the outside of the pods can cause a cow's tongue to itch) and Buffalo Bean. It is a vine that grows up to 50 feet or more. The best Mucuna Pruriens powder is made from the beans only. The research studies proving the health benefits were done using the beans. Many products also contain pod and root.
Mucuna Pruriens Bioactive Compounds Include: mucunadine, mucunine, mucunainine, prurienine, purienidine. In addition, Mucuna Pruriens contains Beta-sitosterol, glutathione, Lecithin, venolic acid and gallic acid.

Among plants, Mucuna Pruriens has unique aphrodisiac power and boosts Testosteron and Libido. For centuries, it has been recognized for this purpose by indigenous peoples in India and Brazil. Mucuna Pruriens contains 40 milligrams of L-Dopa per gram (1000 milligrams) of the bean. Of all plants, it is a top source of L-Dopa (dihydroxy-phenylalanine). L-Dopa an amino acid that is the immediate precursor to Dopamine.
The L-Dopa benefits typically encompass a wide spectrum of needs and wants in the nootropics community, including things like the improvement of memory, mood, and focus. It is an amino-acid and a hormone which plays the chief role in the synthesis of neuroll transmitters dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrenine, which have a major role in neurology of the brain and whose mode of action has a profound psychological.
L-Dopa crosses your blood-brain barrier and is converted into Dopamine. Dopamine disables prolactin, an arch-enemy of Testosteron in your body - preserving the availability of this precious hormone. Testosteron is vital for Libido, potency, sexual performance and orgasmic response in both men and women.
Mucuna Pruriens may be used to Boost Testosteron and Libido in Men and Women, achieve Enhanced sexual performance and Libido and increase general energy of the body.
Dopamine depresses prolactin, a pituitary hormone. Prolactin can interfere with healthy Libido and sexual function. 
NOTE: Mucuna Pruriens has been shown to IMPROVE sexual functioning, not to restore it if it is not there. Other factors such as circulatory capacity to ensure blood flow to the penis, heavy metal toxicity, EMF (electromagnetic field) pollution (lowers testosteron) and other issues MUST be addressed.

What are the important benefits of having a healthy amount of Dopamine in our bodies? Dopamine is known for coordination between mind and the body, a feeling of wellness, agility, Libido and sexual arousal as well as brightening the mood. L-Dopa is known as a powerful antioxidant which functions by protecting the human organism from chronic stress and Long-term negative action of free radicals which facilitate various effects of aging. L-Dopa benefits on health encompass a wide range of possibilities based on the individual, and typically include increased energy throughout the day, aiding in stimulant withdrawal, increased sleep quality in dopamine deficient individuals, and overall better perception of one’s environment. More energy, improved mood, better mental focus, more motivation. Sexual benefits include increased serum testosteron, increased Libido and improved mood and energy and feeling of well-being.
Supplement Facts:
Mukuna Pruriens Extract, 99%
Serving Size: 2 Capsules 
Servings Per Container: 30
Daily Value not established.
OTHER  INGREDIENTS: Gelatine capsules.
SUGGESTED USE:  As a dietary supplement, take two 1-2 capsules daily.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.