Yonex Badminton Shoe
SHB - 03 Z Ladies


Newly designed upper in Yonex SHB 03 Z Ladies provides remarkably improved fit and stability, gives superb grip and court feel on virtually any surface.

Equally important to players is flexibility, in order to prevent foot fatigue the flexibility of the shoe plays a huge role when a player is on the court over a period of time. The shape of the SHB 03 Z
Ladies on the uppers allows free movement when the foot is in rotation thus preventing fatigue setting in.

Give yourself the confidence that comes with Yonex's highest-stability badminton shoe ever. Newly designed upper provides remarkably improved fit and stability.

Stability and flexibility
The sole of the shoe is made of ultra light material. The hexagon pattern of the sole also offers amazing grip and stability. This makes this shoe ideal for the agile player who wants to hold their grip during fast badminton play.

A key feature of all YONEX footwear, the YONEX POWER CUSHION absorbs shock then reverses the impact energy for smooth transfer into the next movement.
Verification: When dropped from 7m above a POWER CUSHION sheet, an egg will bounce back 4m without damage.
* Description:
* Color:
* Upper:
* Midsole:
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* Fit:
* Shoe for:

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Newly designed upper provides remarkably improved fit and stability.
P.U. Leather, Polyester Mesh, Durable Skin
Toughbrid Light, Power Cushion, T.P.U, Solid E.V.A., Power Cushion Sheet
Hexagrip natural rubber sole, Natural rubber bottom grip and side grip
Normal Fit

