UP FOR SALE IS THIS OLD HAND COLOR SHIP MAP BY HENRY ABRAHAM CHATELAIN. TITLED "NOUVELLE CARTE POUR CONDUIRE ALA CONNOISSANCE DE LA MARINE ET DEMONTRER LA PLUS PART DES INSTRUMENS" DATED 1712 THE SIZE IS 19"1/2 X 25"3/4. UNFRAMED AND MOUNTED. SOME TONING SPOTS AND WRINKLES IN THE MARGIN EDGES OTHERWISE THE CONDITION IS VERY GOOD. SOLD AS IS AND SHOWN. This is a fascinating folio sheet filled with engravings of ships and navigation instruments. At center is a large view of a frigate showing the rigging in great detail. Other engravings include methods of construction, naval combat, several different types of ships, compasses, sextant, quadrant, volvelle, and a superb windrose. French text descriptions below the engravings.