You will receive ONE (1) Fantastic double terminated Fluorite wand from this exclusive green and purple lot!  Each wand has the gorgeous green and a purple swirls of color. You will receive ONE fluorite wand approximately 2.75" to 3" inches long and ABOUT 3/4 to 1 inch wide. The weight will be approximately 45 grams to 60 grams. These wands look so similar in person. The wand has 6 sides on each termination. This is Just an absolutely gorgeous "rainbow" fluorite wand that emanates wonderful energy. 

When you hold this fluorite wand up to the light it has some of the most incredible colors you will see in a crystal. Place it on a table or shelf near a window and watch the rainbow bands change and illuminate through the day! Please see photos of the wand in different lighting for the best description. 

Stone- Genuine "Rainbow Fluorite" with no treatment of any kind. All Natural.

Dimensions- 3-3.25 Inches Long X 3/4 to 1 Inch Wide 

Total Weight- 45 to 65 grams

Condition- Brand New and Unused

Photography- All photos taken indoors and outdoors in natural light. No lights or filters were used.


Fluorite is excellent for focus! Keep it close by if you are trying to finish important projects.  Fluorite is also beloved for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit. Fluorite further anchors intuitive insights into the physical plane, allowing mental and physical coordination. A popular stone among energy healers, Fluorite can also clear the aura of mucky energies

Brought to you by SHINE CRYSTALS a fast growing crystal company located in Hawaii.