A natural dietary supplement that promotes healthy flora, gut health and digestion using natural herbs, enzymes and botanicals. The product is made specifically for women. Candida albicans is the most common digestive yeast, and growth of this yeast can lead to a yeast infection. When candida (or yeast) overgrowth is present, the Candida Advanced Cleanse by Lady Soma helps women maintain the proper intestinal balance and fight the candida overgrowth.

  • Helps maintain normal levels of Candida Albicans, promotes growth of healthy bacteria, multi-nutrient supplement, immune factors. It's normal to have Candida Albicans in the body, but it's critical to keep it in balance. The Candida Cleanse kills harmful bacteria and is food for "friendly" bacteria that keeps our system working properly.

  • Treats and prevents vaginal yeast infections by supporting healthy balance of intestinal microflora. Soothes and cools external vaginal burning, itching and irritation. Promotes healthy digestion, nutrient assimilation and detoxification by supporting microbial balance within digestive tract.

  • Supports overall health and wellness by keeping levels of yeast within the body under control. Helps relieve symptoms of yeast infections promotes overall vaginal health.

  • 100% Made in USA in an FDA registered facility.