Dear Buyers! Please note that in order to assure you of this item's authenticity, I had it confirmed authentic by a famous and reputable Chanel expert. I have that verification of authenticity in email format, and I have included an image of that in the photos section of this listing. Once I have the buyer's contact info after the paypal transaction, I will forward the full email to the buyer. I am one of very few sellers on eBay who goes to the trouble and expense of providing such proof of authenticity!

Dear buyers, during this last pre-Christmas week, I will be having packages go out every day. I am usually able to ship on the same day of purchase, if the purchase is made by about 2PM Eastern Time. There is an option at check-out to choose fastest available USPS Express shipping! 

This absolutely gorgeous authentic Chanel red quilted leather bag with aged gold hardware and gorgeous chain handles is in absolutely excellent, mint condition. I believe it was carried only once or twice and spent the rest of the time sitting in the closet in its dust bag.  Considering the condition of this bag, in my opinion it is entirely possible that it has never even been carried. I purchased it recently and never went out with it myself because I had the same exact bag in the same color in a larger size (which is also listed for sale right now in a seprate listing. I did not find any signs of wear anywhere inside or outside. I have provided zoomable photos, so please zoom in and look carefully to see the bag more closely.  

This bag comes in a black Chanel dust bag, but it does NOT come with a card or any other original packaging. As stated above, I will provide the buyer with verification of authenticity from a professional service. It is 200% guaranteed authentic. 

Dear buyers, I hope I don't offend you by saying this, but please don't send me low-ball offers. I have been a Chanel handbag collector for many years, with over 60 Chanel bags in my private collection at any point in time. I regularly buy brand new and pre-owned Chanel bags for my collection, and I know very well how much these bags are worth, particularly the popular models like this. :)

Please look at my feedback and long (15 year) history with eBay. I do NOT buy or sell fakes! Please also look at my other listings. I am going through my designer hand bag collection and selling quite a few of my bags.

Buyers, please note that I do my best to describe everything as thoroughly as possible, so that there would not be any bad surprises or disappointments for the buyer, but it is possible that I may occasionally miss something.

INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: before purchasing my items, please be aware of your country's import duties and taxes, which are the sole responsibility of the buyer!

A note about shipping charges for anyone who might consider it to be a high charge. I charge a flat rate shipping and handling fee. I travel most of the time, and I pay someone back home to send out the packages for me (hence, the handling fee). The actual shipping and handling always costs me more than what I charge the buyer, so please do keep that in mind.