Here is an Oil painting using a palette knife to give tactile dimension of a Royale Poinciana Tree along the river!

My inspiration to paint is AE Backus, Harold Newton, 
and several Florida Landscape artists from the 1800s.  

I am self taught with the palette knife, but took lessons 
from Ahmed Eltemtamy for brush work.  However, I strictly paint with 
a palette knife these days. 

I won First place in the Painting Category in one of the Juried Art shows this past 
year and I sold many paintings in all the shows I attended.

I am listed on where you can find more information about me.

Show season is coming very soon.  My first show is in Jacksonville on October 13-14--if you 
live close by, come and see all my new paintings!!!

The painting listed is an 10 by 8 inch, all palette knife work, entitled "River Dream?"

Painting comes with a Certificate of Authenticity!

Thank you for looking!