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Each and every single page of our rare and historical books are carefully scanned and compiled into digital format for your viewing pleasure. This digital format is known as Adobe PDF and most computers already have the software to view these files by default. PDF files are compatible with both Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems. You are able to easily read, search, zoom/magify, flip through/jump to any page, and print any part or page(s) within the viewable book. 

Our CD/DVD disc(s) are brand new and delivered to you in a white CD/DVD sleeve with quality print on the disc(s). 

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This auction is for a 32 book collection of chemical recipe books, containing nearly 50,000 old time formulas

Includes making of:

Ink, Lubricants, Metal Polish, Paint, Perfumes and Colognes, Soap, Sealing Wax, Stain for Wood, Tonics and Potions, Shampoo, Toothpaste, varnish, Adhesives, Beer, Beverages, Candy, Ciders, Cleaning Solvents, Colas, Craft Necessities, First Aid salves, Face Creams, Furniture polish, Chewing Gum, Vinegar, Wine ... and 
just about anything you can imagine, a very useful collection even today.

A list of the books are as follows:

Recipes for the colour, paint, varnish, oil, soap and drysaltery trades - 1902 

Secrets of Wise Men, chemists - 1889 

Six Hundred Receipts, Worth Gold - 1867 

Standard Cyclopedia of Recipes - 1901 

The Amateur's Handbook Information - 1879 

The Druggist's General Receipt Book - 1878 

The English and American Mechanic - 1874 

The General Receipt Book - 1853 

The Guide to Wealth - 1890s 

The Houeshold Cyclopedia - 1873 

The Laboratory - Vol. 1 - 1799 

The Laboratory - Vol. 2 - 1799 

The Manual of Receipts - 1899 

The New Family Receipt Book - 1819 

The Techno-chemical Receipt Book - 1886 

The Techno-Chemical Receipt Book - 1919 

The Workshop Companion - 1879 

Trade Secrets and Private Recipes - 1887

Captive Secrets - 1895 

Chemical Recipes - 1896 

Dr. Chases Recipes - 1869 

Encyclopedia of Practical Recipes - 1872 

English and American Mechanic ~ a collection of over 3000 receipts, rules and tables, designed for the use of every mechanic and manufacturer - 1874 

Equipping your Chem. Lab 

Handy Mans Workshop and Laboratory - 1910 

Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas - Containing ten thousand selected household & workshop formulas - 1914 

How to Set Up your Lab 

Industrial Recipes - 1913 

Machinerys Shop Receipts and Formulas - 1911 

Mackenzies Five Thousand Receipts - 1854 

Mackenzies Ten Thousand Receipts - 1865 

One Thousand Secrets - 1898


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 If you do not have a paypal account, the purchase can still be made without an account by using your credit card through Paypal's secure payment system. For other payment methods, please contact us and we will be open to discuss with you other alternatives. 

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