Ceramic replica of the Aztec calendar or sun stone.  

Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Ethically sourced and handmade in Mexico
Measures L27 x H23cm

The original weighed 25 tons and had a diameter of 3.6 metres and was originally placed halfway up one of the Aztec pyramids.

 The Spanish destroyed the pyramids and so the calendar was buried and only rediscovered in 1760. 

The figure in the centre is Tonatiuh, the sun god, whose survival depended on the blood of human sacrifice. 

Around him are carved the days, months and cosmological periods representing the whole Aztec universe. Hand made in Mexico.

Ethical Sourcing
Tumia (previously Tumi) was founded in 1978 promoting fair trade crafts and goods from Latin America, working closely with organisations such as Traidcraft and Oxfam Trading. Tumia has worked with our craftsmen in Latin America for many years and ensures that we pay a fair price (set by our partners), good working conditions and a sustainable future for our workers. Thank you for being part of this.

Tumia is a proud member of BAFTS
BAFTS Fair Trade Network UK is a network of independent shops and suppliers dedicated to promoting Fair Trade retail in the UK. BAFTS provides a structure of accountability to its members who adhere to the 10 Principles of Fair Trade as set out by the World Fair Trade Organisation..