2 Handbooks available here, 1 hardback Redstone & 1 Paperback "The Essential Handbook" both in Very good condition. The official Handbooks from the creator's/Developers.
Synopsis by others…

MinecraftRedstone Handbook 2014Hardback
"Here's everything you need to know to get connected to the electrifiyingpossibilities of redstone. From basic mining and logic circuits to moreadvanced mechanics, this book will give you step-by-step  instructions to get you fully wired toredstone. With builds including redstone traps and arrow launchers, you'llnever fear creepers again!"  
This Hardback edition contains many bright and colorful pages of tips andstrategies created by Minecraft Masters!

Theofficial Essentials Handbook might just save your life. Tips from Minecraftexperts, including the Developer & Creators comments, a definitive guide.Etc.