
You buy what you see in the picture.

100% prickly pear oil first cold pressed.

The fig of barbarism, harvested in Morocco is a precious fruit: it takes nearly a ton of figs to get 1 liter of oil of this cactus. Obtained by cold pressing of the seeds.
On the perfume side, its particular argan oil-scented smell could put some off. Hence the interest of applying it in the evening at bedtime than in the morning, provided you do not be afraid to annoy your companion!
To the touch, it is less oily than other oils such as almond oil and penetrates quickly into the epidermis.
It offers an extraordinary makeover to your skin. As a result, it reduces wrinkles, attacks unsightly dark circles and provides protection against daily skin aggressions. What make his rival jealous, argan oil.
The richness of its components explains its success: it is full of vitamin E and omega 6 and omega 9 essential fatty acids.
Particularly recommended for the care of dry and dehydrated skin, it is suitable for all types of skin and hair.

  * Antioxidant, it nourishes, hydrates and tones the skin deeply while slowing the aging of the skin.
  * Prevents skin aging and boosts the renewal of skin cells.
  * It reduces scars, cracks, acne pimples, decreases stretch marks.
  * Maintains the vitality and beauty of the skin.
  * Fortifies the nails and makes them less brittle.
  * It is also recommended to revitalize the hair. It nourishes and makes them shinier.
  * Softens and lengthens hair.
  * Protects against cracking.
  * Blurs the small tasks of the body.
  * Provides care and beauty to the hands.

  - On the body, drop a few drops of oil on the hand, neck, décolleté, face, also targeting the eye area. Then massage by performing circular movements. This treatment is best done in the evening at bedtime because it is at night that skin cells regenerate.
  - For the hair, we drop a few drops each night, let it act for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash his hair with his usual shampoo.
  - Nails are also entitled to their doses of figs, a regular massage with this ointment fortifies the nails.