This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. 

~ Titles Include ~

Hume by Thomas Henry Huxley 1879

Free Will and Four English Philosophers: Hobbes, Locke, Hume and Mill by Joseph Rickaby 1906

David Hume by Henry Calderwood 1898

(Hume as a Philosopher — his Philosophy of Understanding; Hume as Historian; Hume in the Government Service; Hume's Attitude as to Religion)

Hume's Suppressed Essays, article in The Open Court 1917

David Hume and his Influence on Philosophy and Theology by James Orr 1903

Philosophical works by David Hume 1854

Locke's Writings and Philosophy Historically considered, and Vindicated from the charge of contributing to the Scepticism of Hume by Edward Tagart 1855

A Review of Hume and Huxley on Miracles by Edmund Beckett Grimthorpe 1883

On Hume's Arguments against Miracles, article in Blackwood's Magazine 1873

Hume, Huxley and Miracles, article in the Presbyterian review 1880

The Imagination in Spinoza and Hume by WC Gore 1902

David Hume's Natural History of Religion, article in The Monist 1909

An examination of Hume's argument of miracles by A. H. Lawrence 1845

A Dissertation on Miracles: containing an examination of the principles advanced by David Hume in An essay on miracles by George Campbell 1834 (Mr Hume's favourite argument is founded on a false hypothesis; Mr Hume charged with some fallacies in his way of managing the argument)

An Enquiry concerning human understanding, and selections from A treatise of human nature by David Hume. With Hume's autobiography and a letter from Adam Smith 1912

Hume's Treatise of Morals and selections from the Treatise of the Passions 1893

Observations on the Nature and Tendency of the Doctrine of Mr. Hume concerning the relation of cause and effect by Thomas Brown 1806

An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals by David Hume 1900

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by David Hume (Searchable PDF)

Another objection to the argument.

A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume (Searchable PDF)

The life of David Hume (1826)

Hume's Political Discourses 1906

Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary by Hume Volume 1 1889

Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary by Hume Volume 2 1889

Philosophy from DesCartes to Kant by Prof Ormond

Hume Again and Huxley, article in The Religious magazine and monthly review 1871

Religious Scepticism and Infidelity: Their History, Cause, Cure and Mission by John Langford 1850

Agnosticism and Religion by Jacob Gould Schurman (1896)

"With Kant and Hume (who provoked Kant into becoming a critical philosopher) we reach the fountain-heads of modern Agnosticism."

Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann by Francis Bowen 1877

Letters of David Hume by Thomas Murray 1841

Monism and Meliorism: a Philosophical essay on Causality and Ethics By Paul Carus (Hume's Problem p.29) 1885

A History of English Utilitarianism by Ernest Albee 1902

Reply to Paine - An apology for the Bible in letters to Thomas Paine With notices of Hume's Denial of Miracles by Richard Watson 1880

Materialism as a philosophical conception of the universe, Or Hume Vindicated by Craig Ruie 1905

A letter to Adam Smith on the life, death, and philosophy of his friend David Hume by George Horne 1799

The Treatment of Personality by Locke, Berkeley and Hume by JW Hudson 1911

The Philosophy of Hume as contained in extracts from the first book and the first and second sections of the third part of the second book of the Treatise of Human Nature 1893

Modern Thinkers and Present Problems - an approach to modern philosophy through its history by Edgar Singer

Scottish Men of Letters in the 18th Century by Henry Graham 1908

Psychology, Epistemology and Metaphysics article in The Philosophical review 1892

Religious Thought in England, from the Reformation to the end of Last Century, a contribution to the History of Theology Volume 1 by John Hunt 1870

Religious Thought in England, from the Reformation to the end of Last Century, a contribution to the History of Theology Volume 2 by John Hunt 1870

Religious Thought in England, from the Reformation to the end of Last Century, a contribution to the History of Theology Volume 3 by John Hunt 1870

History of Materialism and Criticism of Its Present Importance by F Lange 1882

A Beginner's History of Philosophy Volume 1 by Herbert Ernest Cushman 1911

A Beginner's History of Philosophy Volume 2 by Herbert Ernest Cushman 1911

A Student's History of Philosophy by AK Rogers 1913

History of rationalism By John Fletcher Hurst 1865

Philosophy and Theology, being the first Edinburgh university Gifford lectures by James Stirling 1890 (Hume and the Atheists)

Science and Immortality, article in The Popular science monthly 1872

The Origin and Import of the Idea of Causality, article in The Monist 1896

Hume, by William Knight 1886

"these Philosophical Classics for English Readers are written, not so much for the initiated, as for those who wish to know something about the great Systems, and their Founders; but who have not leisure to peruse their Treatises in full, or to go into the more recondite aspects of the questions they

have raised, still less to master the voluminous critical literature which has subsequently gathered around them."

The Student's Hume - A History of England from the earliest times to the revolution in 1688 by David Hume 1859

Handbook of the History of Philosophy by Arthur Schwegler

Life of Voltaire by Francis Espinasse 1892

Life of Voltaire by James Parton, Volume 1 1881

Life of Voltaire by James Parton, Volume 2 1881

Voltaire and Rousseau against the Atheists 1845

French and English Philosophers - Descartes, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hobbes 1910

Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau in England by John C Collins 1908

Lives of Men of Letters & Science who flourished in the time of George III by Henry Brougham 1845

Voltaire's Essay on Epic Poetry 1915

Voltaire in Exile by Benjamin Gastineau 1883

Letters on England by Voltaire 1894

Voltaire in His Letters 1919

The Works of Voltaire, all 43 volumes, 1901
containing Victor Hugo's oration,
Poetical dissertations,
A philosophical dictionary,
The dramatic works of Voltaire,
The Lisbon earthquake and other poems,
History of Charles XII, Age of Louis XIV,
Ancient and modern history,
History of the war of 1741,
Annals of the empire,
History of the Russian empire under Peter the Great,
Essays on philosophy, art, history, S
hort studies in English and American subjects,
Maid of Orleans,
The Henriade: Letters and miscellanies,
A biographical critique of Voltaire by John Morley
Voltaire; index to his works, genius and character, with an appreciation of Voltaire by Oliver H.G. Leigh

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 1, 1817 (Priestley, though somewhat forgotten now, was one of the greatest minds in existence 200 years ago, and he was loved by the Founding Fathers)

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 2, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 3, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 4, 1817 (Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever)

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 5, 1817 (Corruptions of Christianity)

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 6, 1817 (History of early opinions concerning Jesus Christ)

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 8, 1817 (poor, light scan)

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 9, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 10, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 11, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 12, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 13, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 14, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 15, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 16, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 17, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 18, 1817

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 20, 1817 (Letters to Archbishop Newcome)

The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley, Volume 21, 1817

Plus You Get:

Free will and four English philosophers by Joseph Rickaby - 1906

Free will and Destiny by St George Lane Fox Pitt 1920

Free Will and Human Responsibility by Herman H Horne 1912

Determinism Or Free-will? By Chapman Cohen 1912

Determinism from Hobbes to Hume by John Phelps Fruit 1895

Fated or Free? a Dialogue on Destiny by Preston William Slosson 1914

An Empirical Theory of Free Will, article in MIND - A QUARTERLY REVIEW OR PSYCHOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY 1879

Typical recent conceptions of freedom by Gertrude Carman Bussey 1917

Two Letters on Causation and Freedom in Willing, addressed to John Stuart Mill by Rowland G Hazard 1869

On Free Will by Alan Spencer Hawkesworth 1896

The Ethics of Freedom by George P Young 1919

The Problem of Freedom by George H Palmer 1911

A Criticism of Some Deterministic Systems in their Relation to Practical Problems by Jesse Hermann 1914

An Essay Concerning the Free Agency of Man by Nicholas Baylies 1820

Law and liberty in the manifestations of the human will by Daniel Dodge 1890

Freedom of the Will by William Taylor 1881

The Philosophy of Necessity by Charles Bray 1889

The Philosophy of Moral Necessity and Moral Freedom by John LaGrange 1854

An inquiry respecting the self-determining power of the will by J Day 1849

Freedom as Ethical Postulate by James Seth 1891

Free Will - The Greatest of the Seven World Riddles by Hubert Gruender 1911

Religion and free will by W Benett 1913

The Free-Will problem in modern thought by William Hallock Johnson PH.D 1903

Doctrine of the Will by Asa Mahan 1845

Power & Liberty by Leo Tolstoy 1888

The Why of the Will - the Unity of the Universe PW Van Peyma 1910

The Freedom of the Will by A Petrunkevitch 1905

Freedom and Authority in Religion by Edgar Y Mullins 1913

The Treatise of St. Bernard, abbat of Clairvaux, concerning grace and Free Will 1920

Some Dogmas of Religion by John McTaggart 1906

The Contingency of the Laws of Nature by Emile Boutroux 1920

Time and Free Will - an essay on the immediate data of consciousness bt Henri Bergson 1912

A Review of Edward's "Inquiry into the freedom of the will" by Henry P Tappan 1839

Moral causation - Notes on Mr. Mill's notes to the chapter on 'Freedom' by Patrick P Alexander 1875

Liberty and Necessity - in which are considered the laws of association of ideas, the meaning of the word will, and the true intent of punishment by Henry Carleton 1857

Martin Luther on the bondage of the will 1823

God and freedom in human experience by Charles F D'arcy 1915

On the Philosophy of the Mind by James Douglas 1839

Essays on the Philosophy of Theism, Volume 1 by William G Ward 1884

Essays on the Philosophy of Theism, Volume 2 by William G Ward 1884

The Failure of Modern Socialism by H Arthur Wilson 1907

The Limits of Evolution, and other essays by George H Howison 1901

The Will to Believe and other essays in popular philosophy by William James 1897

The Universal illusion of Free Will by Augustin Frédéric Hamon 1899

The Psychology of Schopenhauer in its relation to his system of metaphysics by Carrie E Logan 1903 ("Will is nothing but struggle. It triumphs over and creates nature, It makes itself into objects. The world before us, that scientists investigate, that world is will"

The Will to Beauty: Being a Continuation of the Philosophies of Arthur Scopenhauer and Nietzsche By Abraham Kanovitch 1922

On Reading Nietzsche By Emile Faguet 1918 ("We must note here that there is perhaps something anti-religious in this theory of free will; that something may be unconscious but it is there. The theory of free will pretends to create for man a right to take himself as condition and cause of his superior acts."

The Doctrine of the Freedom of the Will in Fichte's Philosophy by John F Brown 1900

Hegel's doctrine of the will by John A MacVannel 1896

Predestination and Freewill and the Westminster confession of Faith by John Forbes 1878

Free Will by William George Ward 1879

The Extent of Free Will, article in the Dublin Review 1881

Free-Will and Law in perfect harmony by Henry Travis 1868

The Will and Freewill, article in The British Review 1870

A New Translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric 1823 ("the absurdity of disputing whether the will be free: the will itself is freedom; all will is free
will; and nothing can be more free, than that which is voluntary")

Science, Prayer, Free Will, and Miracles by William G Ward 1882

The Primitive Doctrine of Election by George Stanley Faber 1842

A Careful and Strict Enquiry into the Modern Prevailing Notions of that Freedom of Will by Jonathan Edwards 1831

Against dogma and free-will and for Weismanism by H Croft Hiller 1893

An Examination of the Structural Principles of Mr. Herbert Spencer's Philosophy (Mr Spencer's Thoery of the Will) by William David Ground 1883

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