This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. 

~ Titles Include ~

The Book of Yahweh - The Yahwist Bible by Clarimond Mansfield 1922

Fragments from the Primitive Document in 7 Early Books of the Old Testament by an Unknown Genius of the 9th Century BC

A Greek and English lexicon to the New Testament by John Parkhurst

(Not a great quality scan, but on page 388 of the original you can read under Kurios: "III. In LXX it answers to the several names or titles of God . . . but far most frequently to [the Tetragrammaton]: . . . In the N.T., likewise Kurios, when used as a name of God . . .most usually corresponds to . . . Jehovah, and in this sense is applied."

The LORD said to my lord - Adoni and the Divine Title by Heinz Schmitz

A Misunderstood Jehovah by Heinz Schmitz

A Study in American Hebraic Names, article in The Improvement Era (Mormon Periodical) 1916

Jehovah by Clement Wood 1920

Jehovah Magnified by George Muller 1895

Amos- an essay in exegesis by Hinckley Gilbert Thomas Mitchell 1900

"The name by which the prophet most frequently refers to the Deity is Jehovah (Yahweh). This he uses in every variety of expression and construction, and no fewer than fifty-two times. The word God on the other hand, occurs but once..."

The Ineffable Name, article in The Homiletic review

The Origin of the Name Jehovah, article in The Modern review 1882

The doctrine of Jehovah (one page hard to read) by John Wilson 1839

An Interesting Question: How Old is Jehovah, article in Current opinion 1888

Beginnings of Hebrew Monotheism - The Ineffable Name, article in The Methodist Review 1902

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY AND ITS KINDRED SCIENCES, Volume 1 by Albert Mackey 1917 (has a large section on "Jehovah")


Jehovah-Eve, article in The Church monthly 1861

Isis Unveiled - a master-key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology by HP Blavatsky 1877 Volume 1

Isis Unveiled - a master-key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology by HP Blavatsky 1877 Volume 2 (mentions Jehovah 128 times, including "Jehovah identical with Bacchus" and "Jehovah not the Ineffable Name"

A New Solution to an Old Problem, article in Bibliotheca sacra ("It is well known that Ex. vi. 3 involves a problem with regard to the use of the Divine Name YHWH("Jehovah," or rather Yahweh), as to whether it was or was not used in pre-Mosaic times.") 1913

The Name Jehovah in the Abrahamic Age, article in The Expositor 1903

The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Volume 1 1893 (Jehovah not the Supreme Deity, Jehovah a God of the Elements, Jehovah one of the Elohim,

The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Volume 2 1893 (Jehovah a Personating Spirit)

The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Volume 3 1893 (Jehovah and Teraphim, etc)

Bible mystery and Bible meaning by Thomas Troward 1913

Who was Jehovah? by John Page Hopps 1891

The Name Jehovah, article in Tracts for the Christian seasons 1864

The Open Mystery - a reading of the Mosaic story 1897

A Reply to Professor Robertson Smith including a vindication of Protestant theology, a critique on "the newer criticism", and some important hints on the integration of Bible truth, the mystery of the divine names and of the Elohistic and Jehovistic styles of sacred scripture by P Melville 1882

Thirty thousand thoughts by HDM Spence 1885 (JEHOVISTIC NAMES AND TITLES OF GOD)

The Kabbalah, its doctrines, development, and literature by Christian D Ginsburg 1920 (Jehovah is mentioned 29 times)

Qabbalah: The Philosophical Writings of Solomon Ben Yehudah Ibn Gebirol Or Avicebron by Isaac Myer 1888

The Names of God, and Meditative Summaries of Divine Perfections by Leonardus Lessius 1912

Genesis and its authorship by John Quarry 1873 (On the use of the names of God in the book of Genesis)

Personal Names in the Bible by WF Wilkinson 1865

God: his knowability, essence, and attributes by Joseph Pohle 1911

The Names of God in the Old Testament, article in The Lutheran church 1903

The Angel of Jehovah, article in the Bibliotheca Sacra 1859

The Angel of Jehovah, article in The Exegete and homiletic monthly 1880

The Angel of Jehovah, article in The Christian examiner and general review 1836

Jehovah-Jireh by John C Smith 1855

Lectures on the Pentateuch and the Moabite stone by John William Colenso - 1873

The Religion of Israel by George Barton 1918

Ron Rhodes vs Jehovah- Jehovah, Yahweh or LORD?

"Many may argue that some, like the Jews, stopped saying the Divine Name in order that they may not break the commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain." (Ex 20:7). Yet, I do not see the same kind of zeal to remove the sex organs for fear of breaking the commandment at v. 14, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." This is the height of piety and arrogance, and nothing else."

How Many of the 237 Occurences of "Jehovah" in the NWT Christian Greek Scriptures (NT) are Traceable back to the Old Testament? by Heinz Schmitz

A Dissertation Concerning the Antiquity of the Hebrew Language by John Gill

Eighteenth-century theologian John Gill in his writing, A Dissertation Concerning the Antiquity of the Hebrew Language, Letters, Vowel-Points and Accents,disputed the idea that the vowel points were invented by the Masorites. Gill claimed that the use of Hebrew vowel points and therefore of the name Jehovah (Ye-HO-VaH in Hebrew) is documented from before 200 BC, and even back to Adam, throughout the centuries of Jewish Authorities, the early Church and the following millennium. He argued that throughout this history the Masorites did not invent the vowel points and accents, but that they were delivered to Moses by God at Sinai

A Response to Lynn Lundquist's "The Tetragrammaton and the Christian Greek Scriptures"

Jehovah, God of battles up to date, the German God by Harvey Watts 1918

The God of the Jews - Jehovah Unveiled 1819

An article on the Divine Name in the Bibliotheca Sacra 1913

The Pronunciation of the Divine Name in National religions and Universal religions By Philip Henry Wicksteed 1882

Theology of the Old Testament by Gustav Oehler 1883

III. The Name Jehovah.

§ 38. Pronunciation and grammatical explanation of the name

§ 39. Signification of the name

§ 40. Age and origin of the name Jehovah

§ 41. Comparison of the name Jehovah with Elohim and El

§ 42. Attributes or names of God which are derived immediately from the idea of Jehovah

The Origin and Interpretation of the Tetragrammaton by Hans Spoer 1901

Signs and symbols illustrated and explained, 12 lectures on Freemasonry by George Oliver 1826 (talks about the Tetragrammaton)

The Book of Genesis in English-Hebrew, accompanied by an interlinear translation by William Greenfield 1828

The transliterated Hebrew Text has Yehovah, the English text has Jehovah

Tyndale's Five Books of Moses - probably the first English Bible to restore the Divine Name to the text (see Ex. 6:3)

The New Testament in Hebrew 1817

A complete Hebrew and English critical and pronouncing dictionary by William Roy 1846

The Bay Psalm Book - the first book produced in America used the Divine Name.

Many Books on DVDROM scanned from the Originals into PDF format - Rare Divine Name Bible Translations

Scriptures Hebrew and Christian Volume 1 (first 543 pages) by Edward Bartlett and John Peters 1888
Follows the KJV but has made changes in idiom, and uses the divine name Jehovah throughout.

Scriptures Hebrew and Christian Volume 2 by Edward Bartlett and John Peters 1888

The Julia Smith Bible 1876 - first few pages are missing.

A Liberal Translation of the New Testament Volume 1 by Edward Harwood 1768

A Liberal Translation of the New Testament Volume 2 by Edward Harwood 1768 "The Supreme Jehovah said to my Lord..."

The Psalms Translated and Explained by JA Alexander 1853 Volume 1

The Psalms Translated and Explained by JA Alexander 1853 Volume 2

The Psalms Translated and Explained by JA Alexander 1853 Volume 3 "For I have kept the ways of Jehovah and have not apostasised from my God." Ps 18:22

The New Metrical Version of the Psalms 1909 - United Presbyterian (Uses Jehovah)

A New Rendering of the Hebrew Psalms into English verse By Abraham Coles 1888 (Uses Jehovah)

A New Literal Version of the Book of Psalms by Stephen Street 1790 Volume 1 (Uses Jehovah)

A New Literal Version of the Book of Psalms by Stephen Street 1790 Volume 2 (Uses Jehovah)

Isaiah - a New Translation by TK Cheyne 1898 (Uses JHVH)

Psalms, a New Translation by TK Cheyne 1895 (Uses Jehovah)

The Book of Joshua by Paul Kaupf and William Furness 1899 (Uses JHVH)
The Book of the Prophet Hosea Literally Translated with Notes by Francis Tilney Bassett M.A. 1869

The Books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth - the Common Version revised for the American Bible Union 1878

The Book of Genesis - the Common Version Revised for the American Bible Union, with explanatory notes 1868

The Psalms - a New Translation by John De Witt 1891

The Psalter: With Responsive Readings by United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 1912

The Holy Bible - An Improved Edition, based in Part on the Bible Union Version 1913

American Standard Version Cross Reference Bible

Commentary on the Prophets of the Old Testament Vol 4
by Heinrich Ewald, John Frederick Smith - 1880 (translation uses Yahve)

Commentary on the Books of Haggai, Zakharya, Malaki, Yona, Barukh, Daniel
 By Heinrich Ewald, John Frederick Smith 1881 (translation uses Yahve)

Biblical Commentary on the Psalms
by Franz Delitzsch, Francis Bolton - 1871 (translation uses Yahve)

Biblical Commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon
by Franz Delitzsch - 1884 (translation uses Yahve)

The Holy Bible by John Nelson Darby in txt format.

American Standard Version 1901 - Searchable

Newcome's Corrected New Testament 1808 (uses Jehovah at Matthew 22:44)

The Holy Bible Volume 2 by Leicester Ambrose Sawyer

Young's Literal Translation of the Bible - Searchable

Hymns, Founded on Various Texts in the Holy Scriptures
by Philip Doddridge, Job Orton - Hymns - 1825 - 290 pages

The Epistles of Paul in Modern English-A Paraphrase by George Barker Stevens, Ph.D., D.D. 1898
"In the Scripture Jehovah solemnly declares he will punish his foes and vindicate his people." Hebrews 10:29

Isaiah: a New Translation: With a Preliminary Dissertation, and Notes
by Robert Lowth - 1834 - 417 pages

The Book of Genesis and part of the Book of Exodus - A Revised Version with Marginal References and Explanatory Commentary by Henry Alford D.D. 1872

St. Paul from the Trenches: A Rendering of the Epistles to the Corinthians and Ephesians Done in France During the Great War by Gerald Warre Cornish

The Psalter, Or, Psalms of David In English Verse by John Keble 1869

Emphatic Diaglott by Benjamin Wilson

The Holy Bible translated by Leicester Ambrose Sawyer - Vol 2 - 1861 - 390 pages

The Modern Readers Bible by Richard Moulton, 1907, 1740 pages

The Prophets of the Restoration: Or, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. A New Translation by T. V. Moore - 1856 - 400 pages

A New Translation of the Book of Psalms: With an Introduction - Page 153
by George Rapall Noyes - Bible - 227 pages
"O SING to Jehovah a new song, Sing to Jehovah, all the earth ! ¡aim is, with
some slight and said to have been ¡a of the ark to mount 2 Sing to Jehovah"

The Psalms: A New Translation by John De Witt 1891 - 320 pages
"With Jehovah on my side as my helper, Even I, undismayed, can look on my foes. To hide in Jehovah is better Than trusting in man"

The book of Daniel, tr. from the Heb. and Chaldee text by J. Bellamy by Daniel, John Bellamy - 1863

Joseph Bryant Rotherham's Emphasized Bible (one of the first to use YAHWEH as a divine name)

A New Translation of Job, Ecclesiastes and the Canticles
by George Noyes - 1868

Notes on the prophecies of Amos; with a new translation
by William Drake - 1869

The Psalms of David: Versified from a New Translation and Adapted
by Elhanan Winchester 1797
A new translation of the Book of psalms, with explanatory notes

The Book of Job: Its Origin, Growth and Interpretation : Together with a New Translation by Morris Jastrow - 1920

Quotations in the New Testament by Crawford Toy 1884
(Mentions "Yahwe" quite often)


The Book of Ecclesiastes with a new translation by Samuel Cox 1890

The Book of Genesis in English-Hebrew Accompanied by an Interlinear Translation, with Notes by William Greenfield 1828

On the use of Jehovah and Elohim in the Pentateuch by H.T. 1869

The Prophecies of Isaiah: A New Translation by Thomas Cheyne 1884 Volume 1

The Prophecies of Isaiah: A New Translation by Thomas Cheyne 1884 Volume 2

A New Translation of the Psalms with a Plea for Revisal of our Versions Part 1

A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the book of Genesis, with a New Translation by James Murphy

Notes, Critical, Illustrative, and Practical, on the book of Job with a New Translation by Albert Barnes Volume 1

Notes, Critical, Illustrative, and Practical, on the book of Job with a New Translation by Albert Barnes Volume 2


The Psalms of David Versified from a New Translation by Elhanan Winchester 1797

The Book of Psalms a New Translation by J.J. Stewart Perowne 1880

The Book of Esther a New Translation by J. W. Haley

A Commentary on the Proverbs with a new translation by John Miller 1872

Literal translation of the Psalms of David by Parkhurst 1830

Heinfetter New Testament 1864 (uses "Jehovah" liberally throughout his New Testament)

St Paul's Epistle to the Romans by W.G. Rutherford

A Version or Paraphrase of the Psalms by James Merrick 1789

The Epistles of Paul in Modern English, A Paraphrase by George Barker Stevens 1898

A Paraphrase and Notes on the Revelation of St. John by Moses Lowman 1773
(JEHOVAH scattered throughout, but not a lot of uses)

The Book of Job, essays and a Metrical Paraphrase by Rossiter Raymond 1878

The Messages of the Later Prophets arranged in the order of time, Analyzed, and Freely Rendered in Paraphrase by Charles Foster Kent 1899

The Book of Psalms of David the king and prophet by Edward Faulkener 1875

The First Book of Moses, called Genesis translated into the Grebo Tongue (African) uses "Jehova" 1850

Notes on the Book of Job with a New Version by William Kelly 1879

A New Version of the Psalms of David Fitted to the Tunes Used in the Churches by Nicholas Brady 1839
(Uses Jehovah about 6 times)

Franz Delitzsch Hebrew New Testament

Ginsburg's 1896 Hebrew Bible, Torah, Kethuvim, Neviim

Exodus - Revised with notes by WH Bennett 1908

The Book of Genesis by GW Wade 1896

The Songs Hymns And Prayers Of The Old Testament by Charles Foster Kent 1914

Isaiah in Modern Speech by John McFadyen 1918

Jeremiah in Modern speech by John McFadyen 1919

The Psalms in Modern Speech by John McFadyen 1870

The Wisdom Books in Modern Speech by John McFadyen

The book of Job translated from the Hebrew by Ernst Renan 1889

The books of Chronicles by WH Bennett 1894

Joshua by WH Bennett 1899 (some pages hard to read)

The Book of Judges by JF Moore 1899

The Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant by Wellbeloved Volume 1 1862

The Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant by Wellbeloved Volume 2 1862

The Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant by Wellbeloved Volume 3 1862

The Epic of the Inner Life being the Book of Job by J Genung 1891

The Book of Job - the Poetic Portion Versified by Homer Sprague 1913

Mozes bi naltsos alsedihigi odesziz holychigi inda yistainilli ba Hani Mark naltsos ye yiki-iscinigi. Tohatcidi enisoti dine bizadkyehgo ayila (Navajo Book of Moses - retains the name JEHOVAH for God 1912)

Choctaw New Testament 1857 (text sometimes difficult to read)

Joshua, Judges and Ruth in Choctaw by Alfred Wright 1913 (the divine name used is "Chihowah" even sometimes in the New Testament above)

Gospel according to John - Creek by HF Buckner 1860
"In my translation of John I have transfered the Hebraic name Jehovah for the name of the Supreme Being, instead of adopting the Creek word Hesakitvmise."

La Sainte Bible - Crampon (French) Volume 1 1894

La Sainte Bible - Crampon (French) Volume 2 1894

La Sainte Bible - Crampon (French) Volume 3 1894

La Sainte Bible - Crampon (French) Volume 4 1894

La Sainte Bible - Crampon (French) Volume 5 1894

La Sainte Bible - Crampon (French) Volume 6 1894

Mysteries and Controversies behind the Divine Name YHWH - Many Books scanned from the originals into PDF format on CDrom

National Religions and Universal Religions: Lectures Delivered at Oxford
by Abraham Kuenen 1882
"The Pronunciation of the Divine Name "Yahweh." By declaring, as soon as I had occasion to use it, that we have good grounds for pronouncing the name of the god of Israel "Yahweh," I implied that the objections which have been urged against this pronunciation—most recently by Friedrich Delitzsch (Wo Iag das Paradiesl Eine biblisch-assyriologische Studie, S. 158—166) and von Hartmann (Das relig. Bewusstsein u. s. w. S. 370 f.)—have not convinced me. I must now briefly explain the reason of this. On the derivation and significance of the name I will not now touch, but will confine myself exclusively to the anterior question of how it was pronounced." - Page 308

How the Bible Grew: The Story as Told by the Book and Its Keepers
by Frank Grant Lewis 1919
"Where this divine name occurrs in the Hebrew, Israelitish readers pronounce the word for master, lord. This Hebrew word is ordinarily transliterated adonai. Israelites still say "Adonai" when in reading they come to the divine name. Christians, however, as early as the fourteenth or the fifteenth century began to combine the two words, pronouncing the consonants Jhvh with modifications of the vowels of adonai. We should expect perhaps as an outcome such a word as Jahovaih, but it did not come into use. Instead, one of the earliest results of the combination of the two words was the form Johouah. Later the form Jehovah was adopted. This is now known not only to be a hybrid term but also to have no good linguistic basis for its vowels. Careful investigations have been made concerning the original pronunciation of the divine name itself, that
is, investigations to discover the vowel sounds which were originally a part of the name. These investigations offer different possibilities, such as Jahveh, Jahvah, or even Yahu." - Page 84

Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology by Society of Biblical Archaeology 1895

Jehovah the redeemer god: the scriptural interpretation of the divine name by Thomas Tyler - 1861

Light on the Old Testament from Babel by Albert Tobias Clay 1906
Page 247 discusses various pronunciations, such as Iabe, Yahwa, Yahwe and Yawa
Studies in the History of Religions: Presented to Crawford Howell Toy by David Gordon Lyon, George Foot Moore 1912
"It has been contended that the name Yahweh as an element in a proper name occurs in Babylonia still earlier. In a text published by Thureau-Dangin, a granddaughter of the king Naram-Sin bears a name which may be read Lipush-Iaum, 'May Iaum make.' Radau, Burney, and Clay all regard this as an occurrence of Yahweh. Rogers with more caution holds that it is doubtful, and that possibly Ea is referred to. It would certainly be rash to assert that this name is proof that Yahweh as a divine name was known among the immediate descendants of Naram-Sin, but it is clearly possible that such may be the case.

Bible and Spade: Lectures Delivered Before Lake Forest College
by John Punnett Peters - Bible - 1922
"I was struck with the fact that the divine name Yah commences to become prominent in David's time. After he set up the Ark in Jerusalem, the divine name Yah becomes the dominating name in Judah, and especially in the royal family. On the other hand, it does not come to the fore among the ten tribes until two hundred years later, in the time of the great prophet Elijah, whose name means "Yah time the Pharaoh raided and plundered Palestine." p. 99

Theology of the Old Testament by Gustav Friedrich Oehler, George Edward Day 1883
With Sections: THE NAME JEHOVAH. Pronunciation and grammatical explanation of the
Signification of the name
Age and origin of the name Jehovah
Comparison of the name Jehovah with Elohim and El
Attributes or names of God which are derived immediately from the idea of Jehovah

Princeton Theological Review by Princeton Theological Seminary 1914 (partial copy)
"The Septuagint with one exception (18:1) attests the word Jehovah at the beginning of these paragraphs, as the first divine name in the seder, however much the Septuagint may differ from the Massoretic text in respect to the divine name elsewhere in the paragraph. Dahse's theory, it will be noted, accords with these facts regarding the initial divine name, and also accounts for the difference between the Massoretic text and the Septuagint in 18:1. And the general agreement of the two texts in regard to the divine name used, where a particular rule seems to have been followed by the author or early editor of the narratives, is an additional attestation of the fidelity of the Greek translators to their Hebrew text, and affords valuable testimony to the readings of the early Hebrew text."

Hours with the Bible: Or, The Scriptures in the Light of Modern Discovery
by John Cunningham Geikie - 1889
"Among the Egyptians there was a god whose name it was unlawful to utter; and it was forbidden to name or to speak of the supreme guardian divinity of Rome.' Even to mention a god's name in taking an oath was deemed irreverent. In the Book of Henoch 7 a secret magic power is ascribed to the Divine Name, and "it upholds all things which are." Men learned it through the craft of the evil angel, Kesbeel, who, in heaven, before he was cast out, gained it by craft from Michael, its original guardian." Page 839

The Pythagorean Triangle: Or, The Science of Numbers by George Oliver 1875
"...making together twenty-six, the same number as the Tetragrammaton. Reason apparently supports the idea that profound mysteries are contained in the characters of this holy language; and who will contend that they do not all involve many secrets and reasons for being used in the law of God, from the perfect art with which they are formed" p. 23

The great Dionysiak myth by Robert Brown 1877
"Clemens Alexandrinus says, 'the mystic name of four letters, 'the sacred Tetragrammaton YaHVeH, 'which was affixed to those alone to whom the adytum was accessible, is called Iaou, which is interpreted, "Who is and shall be." Mr. King observes, 'Theodoret states that the four letters of the Holy Name were pronounced by the Samaritans IABE; by the Jews, IAO Jerome (Ps. viii.), "The name of the Lord amongst the Hebrews is of four letters, Jod, He, Vau, He ; which is properly the name of God, and may be read as I A H O, and is held by the Jews for ineffable." ' 2Bunsen, very
reasonably, considers it questionable whether the real etymology of the word is Hebrew, but remarks, 'The sublime idea, "I am that I am," i.e. the Eternal, is certainly the right one in a Hebrew point of view.'"

Medical Symbolism in Connection with Historical Studies in the Arts by Thomas S. Sozinskey 1891
"Tetragrammaton — that is, J H V H, or, as it is commonly rendered, Jehovah — was the same thing as the IAW. Much could be said about it, as those familiar with Masonic legends and occult literature are aware. Lenormant states, of the wide belief in the power of the hidden "name of the Lord," that "we now see clearly that it came from Chaldea." p. 133

The Names of God in Holy Scripture: A Revelation of His Nature by Andrew John Jukes 1889

Cumorah Revisited: Or, "The Book of Mormon" and the Claims of the Mormons by Charles Augustus Shook 1910
"Latter-day Saints tell us further that the Indians were in the habit of using the sacred ejaculation, "Hallelujah," and Jenkins says: "In the Choctaw nation they often sing 'Halleluyah,' intermixed with their lamentations." — The Ten Tribes, p. 132. Elsewhere (p. 144) he informs us that both the Choctaw and Cherokee tribes use the word. The Creeks had a sacred chant, hi-yo-yu or hay-ay-al-gi* The Cherokees employed the sacred, but meaningless, chant, ha-wi-ye-e-hi, in their "Groundhog Dance;" he-e! hay-u-ya han-iwa, etc., was employed by their bear-hunters to attract the bear ; while ha-wi-ye-hy-u-we was a part of one of their baby songs. Hayuya falling on the ears of an Englishman might be mistaken for "hallelujah." Lastly, the words for "Jehovah" (Yohewah in the Cherokee, Che-ho-wa in the Choctaw, and Chihufa in the Creek) are not original words at all, and the same may be said for Shiloh, Canaan and other Old Testament names, but are simply the efforts of these tribes to pronounce our Scriptural terms."

View of the Hebrews: Exhibiting the Destruction of Jerusalem by Ethan Smith 1823
"These Indians have many wild pagan notions of this one God. But they have brought down by tradition, it seems, the above essentially correct view of him, in opposition to the polytheistical world. Their name of God is remarkable — Wahconda. It has been shown in the body of this work, that various of the Indians call God Yohewah, Ale, Yah, and Wah, doubtless from the Hebrew names Jehovah, Ale, and Jah, And it has been shown that these syllables which compose the mime of God,
sire compounded in many Indian words, or form the roots from which they are formed."

The Glorious Name of God, The Lord of Hosts: Opened in Two Sermons by Jeremiah Burroughs 1643 (very old copy, often hard to read, but beautiful to behold just the same)

Indian Myths Or, Legends, Traditions, and Symbols of the Aborigines
by Ellen Russell Emerson 1884
"the form Jehovah, instead of Yahweh or Yahaveh, has been adopted; but it may be justly claimed that the two latter words are the more accurate. In these we trace a still more remarkable resemblance to the sacred name of Indian invocation. An instance is quoted by M. Remusut from one of the works of a Chinese philosopher of the sixth or seventh century before Christ, in which the name appears in Chinese scriptures. The reference is as follows...Here again reappears the name as J-hi-wai, which, with due regard to phonetic and vernacular changes, may be claimed as identical with that of the Indian's sacred name, Yo-he-wah. The universality of the use of the syllable yo, or jo, in a divine name may be illustrated by other examples. lio was the Coptic name of the moon ; Java, or Kara-Java, was a name said to be given the Supreme Being by a tribe in the jungles of Burmah.
Page 638

A Discourse on the Religion of the Indian Tribes of North America: Delivered by Samuel Farmar Jarvis 1820 (only first 119 pages)
"Much stress has been laid upon the supposed use of the Hebrew words Jehovah and Halliluiah among the Indians. With regard to the invocation of God, by the name of Jehovah, the fact, in the first place, is not certain. Some travellers assert that the Indians, when assembled in council, and on other solemn occasions, express their approbation by ejaculating Ho, ho, ho, with a very guttural emission. In the minutes of a treaty, held at Lancaster, I think in 1742, on which occasion Conrad Weiser was interpreter, it is said that the chiefs expressed their approbation in the usual manner, by saying, "Yo-wah." p. 90

Light and Truth: Collected from the Bible and Ancient and Modern History by Robert Benjamin Lewis 1844
"In their sacred dances, these authors assure us the Indians sing "Halleluyah Yohewah;"—praise to Jah Jehovah. When they return victorious from their wars, they sing, Yo-he-wah; having been by tradition taught to ascribe the praise to God. The same authors assure us, the Indians make great use of the initials of the mysterious name of God, like the tetragrammation of the ancient Hebrews; or the four radical letters which form the name of Jehovah; as the Indians pronounce thus, Y-O-He-wah." p. 261

Plus you a get many pdf books containing the Divine Name in the message title

Contents of CD: Jehovah-Jesus: The Oneness of God: the True Trinity ...
by Robert D Weeks - 1880
Jehovah-Jesus by Thomas Whitelaw - 1913 - 143 pages

Jehovah the redeemer god: the scriptural interpretation of the divine name.
by Thomas Tyler - 1861

The Life and Exploits of Jehovah
by Henry Mulford Tichenor - 1915 - 222 pages

Trinity hymns for the worship of the three-one Jehovah in faith & love ...
by Trinity hymns - 1876

The Shekinah: Or, The Presence and Manifestation of Jehovah
by William Cooke - 1877

The Self-revealing Jehovah of the Old Testament: The Christ of the New Testament
by Sarah Matilda (Fry) Barclay 1885

A Commentary on the Holy Bible by John Roberts Dummelow - 1909 - 1091 pages
"Events of their history had been foretold by Jehovah long before they happened
... But now the things Jehovah purposes are declared on the eve of the event..."

The Righteousness of Jehovah: That Makes for Peace
by Richard F. Chambers - 1917

Final Restoration Demonstrated from the Scriptures of Truth: By Three Sufficiant Argument - The Oath of Jehovah; The Love of Jehovah; The Prayer of Faith by Enoch B. Kenrick - 1821

Jehovah, the covenant name of God; or, God in Christ, in the name of Jehovah - 1873

Jehovah-Jesus: Scripture studies of seven sayings of our Lord in the Gospel ...
by Alexander Macleod Symington - 1876

Jehovah Elohim. Trinitarian and unitarian sermons
by Edward John Turnour - 1831

Judgment of the judges of Jehovah: or, The rationalism of ultra-Calvinism ...
by William Robertson Aikman - 1875

The wars of Jehovah, in Heaven, earth and Hell.
by Thomas Hawkins - 1844

The Eternal; or, The attributes of Jehovah, as 'the God of our fathers'.
by Robert Philip - 1874

A selection of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, to the praise and glory of Jehovah. edited by George W Straton - 1837

On the use of Jehovah and Elohim in the Pentateuch by H. T - Pentateuch - 1869

The Day of Yahweh
by John Merlin Powis Smith - 1901 - 31 pages

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This item is delivered to you as a data CD or DVD disc(s). These CDs/DVDs are intended for the use in your PC/Macintosh computer. If your computer has a CD/DVD drive, it will be able to open the files on the disc(s). 

Each and every single page of our rare and historical books are carefully scanned and compiled into digital format for your viewing pleasure. This digital format is known as Adobe PDF and most computers already have the software to view these files by default. PDF files are compatible with both Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems. You are able to easily read, search, zoom/magify, flip through/jump to any page, and print any part or page(s) within the viewable book.

Our CD/DVD disc(s) are brand new and delivered to you in a white CD/DVD sleeve with quality print on the disc(s).

If you have any inquiries about this item, please feel free to contact us. You can use the "Ask a question" link located on the bottom of this page.

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