This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. 

Titles Include:

The Classical Psychologists - selections illustrating psychology from Anaxagoras to Wundt (1912) by Benjamin Rand (Descartes, Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Hobbes, Hume, Bonnet etc)

The Timaeus of Plato 1888 (Plato's account of the origin and nature of the psyche.)

Why Babe Ruth is greatest home-run hitter by Hugh S Fullerton 1921 (Popular Science Monthly article about Babe Ruth in the Columbia University psychology laboratory.

Tales by Edgar Allen Poe 1845 (contains Mesmeric Revelation, about using mesmerism on a patient)

The Psychopathology of Everyday Life by Sigmund Freud 1914

A General Introduction to Psycho-analysis by Sigmund Freud 1922

The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud 1913

Dream Psychology - Psychoanalysis for Beginners by Sigmund Freud 1921

A First Book in Psychology by Mary W Calkins 1912

Experimental psychology and the Psychological Laboratory in the University of Toronto by Albert Abbott 1900

Psychology - A View of the Human Soul by FA Rauch 1841

Instinct and the Unconscious, a contribution to a biological theory of the psychoneuroses by William Rivers 1920

The Imagination in Spinoza and Hume - a comparative study in the light of some recent contributions to Psychology by WC Gore 1902

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Volume 1 by John Locke 1815

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Volume 2 by John Locke 1815

Personality Traits: their Classification and Measurement by Floyd and Gordon Allport 1921

A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human knowledge by George Berkeley 1881

Meditations of First Philosophy by Rene Descartes

Memory - a contribution to Experimental Psychology by Hermann Ebbinghaus 1907 (considered to be the most important work on memory in the 19th century)

The province of functional psychology by James Rowland Angell 1907

A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume

Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, Volume 1 by James Mark Baldwin 1901

Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, Volume 2 by James Mark Baldwin 1901

Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, Volume 3 part 1 by James Mark Baldwin 1901

Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, Volume 3 part 2 by James Mark Baldwin 1901

Observations on man by David Hartley 1834

The Principles of Psychology by William James, Volume 1, 1886 (considered by some to the most important English work in Psychology)

The Principles of Psychology by William James, Volume 2, 1886

Essays in radical empiricism by William James 1912 (Does consciousness exist? etc)

Accepting the Universe by Ethel Puffer Howes 1922

Collected essays and reviews by William James 1920 (Consciousness of lost limbs)

The Development of Intelligence in Children by Alfred Binet 1916

Fragments in Philosophy and Science - being collected essays and addresses by James Mark Baldwin 1902 (Includes: Types of reaction, and, The 'type-theory' of reaction)

History of Psychology, Volume 1, by James Mark Baldwin 1913

History of Psychology, Volume 2, by James Mark Baldwin 1913

A System of Logic by John Stuart Mill 1874

A Laboratory Course in Physiological Psychology by Edmund Sanford 1892

Recent Logical Inquiries and their Psychological Bearings by Josiah Royce 1902

A Study in Mental Statistics by Joseph Jastrow 1891

Fact and Fable in Psychology by Joseph Jastrow 1900

The Psychology of Conviction - a study of beliefs and attitudes by Joseph Jastrow 1918

The Postulates of a Structural Psychology by W Caldwell 1899

On the Improvement of the Understanding by Spinoza 1901

The Foundations Of Psychology by Jared Sparks Moore 1921

New Essays on Human Understanding by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1896

The Science of Human Behavior by Maurice Parmelee 1913

Principles of Physiological Psychology, Volume 1 by WM Wundt 1910

The Psychological Researches of James McKeen Cattell 1914

Principles of Psychology by William James Volume 1, 1890

Principles of Psychology by William James Volume 2, 1890

The Purposes of a Philosophical Association by JE Creighton 1902

Elements of Psychology by James Mark Baldwin 1893

Structure and Growth of the mind by William Mitchell 1907

The Descent of Man by Charles Darwin 1896

A biographical sketch of an infant by Charles Darwin 1877

An Introduction to Social Psychology by William McDougall 1918

Human Nature and Conduct - an Introduction to Social Psychology by John Dewey 1922

Psychology by John Dewey 1893

The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology by John Dewey 1896

Hereditary Genius An Inquiry Into Its Laws And Consequences by Francis Galton 1892

Inquiries into Human Faculty and its development by Francis Galton 1883

The Kallikak Family - a study in the heredity of feeble-mindedness 1913 (influential book of the Eugenics movement) by Henry Goddard

The Practical Value of Psychology to the Teacher by James Gibson Hume 1897

Studies in Word-association - experiments in the diagnosis of psychopathological conditions carried out at the Psychiatric clinic of the University of Zurich under the direction of C. G. Jung 1919

Analytical Psychology by Carl Jung 1916

Psychology of the Unconscious by Carl Jung 1916

The Theory of Psychoanalysis by Carl Jung 1915

Dreams and Myths by Karl Abraham 1913

The Method of Pavlov in Animal Psychology (you've heard of Pavlov's dogs, well this paper introduced Pavlov to the Western World) by Robert Yerkes 1909

The Relation of Strength of Stimulus to Rapidity of habit-formation by Robert Yerkes 1908

The Myth of the Birth of the Hero -a Psychological Interpretation of Mythology by Otto Rank 1914

Psychology of the Normal and Subnormal by Henry Goddard 1919

The Primer of Psychology by Edward Titchener 1898

Outlines of Psychology by WM Wundt 1907

An Introduction to Psychology by WM Wundt 1912

Lectures on Human and Animal Psychology by WM Wundt 1901

Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It by John B Watson 1913

Psychology and Life by Hugo Münsterberg 1899

Psychology and Industrial Efficiency by Hugo Münsterberg 1913

On the Witness Stand - essays on Psychology and Crime by Hugo Münsterberg 1908

History, essays, orations, and other documents of the sixth general conference of the Evangelical Alliance 1873 by Philip Schaff (contains: Religious aspects of the doctrine of development by James McCosh)

Animal Intelligence by Edward Thorndike 1911

Creative Intelligence by George H Mead 1917

The Definition of the Psychical by George H Mead 1903

The Social Self by George Herbert Mead 1913

Behavior - An Introduction To Comparative Psychology by John B Watson 1914

The Mental Traits of Sex by Helen T Woolley

Psycho-Analysis - a Brief Account of the Freudian Theory by Barbara Low 1920

Freud's Theories of the Neuroses by Eduard Hitschmann 1913

Three Contributions to the Sexual Theory by S Freud 1910

Leonardo da Vinci - a Psychosexual Study of an Infantile Reminiscence by Sigmund Freud 1916

Outlines of a Philosophy of religion based on psychology and history by Auguste Sabatier 1902

An Introduction to Comparative Psychology by Conwy Lloyd Morgan 1896

Habit and Instinct by Conwy Lloyd Morgan 1896

The Measurement of Intelligence; an explanation of and a complete guide for the use of the Stanford revision and extension of the Binet-Simon intelligence scale by Lewis Terman 1916

The Psychology of Nations - a contribution to the Philosophy of History by GE Partrige 1919

The Type-theory of Simple Reaction by Edward Titchener 1895

Studies in Psychology by Edward Titchener 1917

The Dynamogenic Factors in Pacemaking and Competition by Norman Triplett 1898

Introspection as an Objective Method by Margaret Floy Washburn 1922

A Dictionary of Psychological Medicine giving the definition, etymology and synonyms of the terms used in medical psychology, Volume 1 by Daniel H Tuke 1892

A Dictionary of Psychological Medicine giving the definition, etymology and synonyms of the terms used in medical psychology, Volume 2 by Daniel H Tuke 1892

Philosophical Discussions by Chauncey Wright, 1878


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