Arabic is a name applied to the descendants of the Classical Arabic language of the 6th century AD. This includes both the literary language and the spoken Arabic varieties.

The literary language is called Modern Standard Arabic or Literary Arabic. It is currently the only official form of Arabic, used in most written documents as well as in formal spoken occasions, such as lectures and news broadcasts.

This however, varies from one country to the other. In 1912, Moroccan Arabic was official in Morocco for some time, before Morocco joined the Arab League.

The spoken Arabic varieties are spoken in a wide arc of territory stretching across the Middle East and North Africa.

Arabic languages are Central Semitic languages, most closely related to Hebrew, Aramaic, Ugaritic and Phoenician. The standardized written Arabic is distinct from and more conservative than all of the spoken varieties, and the two exist in a state known as diglossia, used side-by-side for different societal functions.

The FSI Language Courses are developed by the Foreign Service Institute, part of the government of the United States of America.

The courses have been designed to help students reach a level of proficiency which will enable them to understand and fully participate in most formal and informal conversations. The American goverment has been producing top quality government sponsored language programs for over forty years. These courses along with others were designed as a training tool for the United States government's top agencies and personnel, including Ambassadors, Government agents, and Diplomats. Many people agree that these are the most thorough and effective language training courses ever compiled. They are ideal whether you are a complete novice or are just wanting to brush up. The methods used have been tried, tested and fine-tuned over the last forty years or so and offer you the potential to quickly and effectively learn the language.

The audio courses are in MP3 format in individual lessons, which mean you can learn them at your own pace. You can upload or listen to them from your MP3 player, computer, or vehicle (if you have an MP3 player).... alternatively you could transfer the files to a standard audio discs for use in any CD player.

To accompany the courses, there are written texts included on the disc(s). These learning manuals are in PDF (adobe) format, which again can be read from a computer or printed off page by page as you progress. The courses were originally intended to be instructor-led but are also recognized as ideal self taught courses.

Once again these are the original language courses used for decades by U.S. government officials.


Written Arabic
Classical Arabic: The Writing System (63 pages - PDF file)

Modern Written Arabic :

Though there is considerable diversity of dialects in spoken Arabic, the written language is fairly standard with the differences falling into historical periods rather than geographical areas. The emphasis in the Modern Written Arabic course is on reading modern printed Arabic. However, before attempting this, it is necessary to learn the Arabic writing system and have reasonably accurate pronunciation. The course provides spoken exercises in Arabic and the printed transcriptions that are essential to achieving mastery of the material.

VOLUME 1 (434 pages - PDF file)

VOLUME 2 (399 pages - PDF file)

VOLUME 3 (548 pages - PDF file)

Camponion Audio (Lessons 33-64)

Levantine Arabic
Introduction to Pronunciation

Student-Text (108 pages - PDF file) + 19 audio MP3

Saudi Arabic

Student Text: (308 pages - PDF file)

Companion Audio (50 Lessons)


Unit 1 - Hello, how are you, greetings

Unit 2 - Good Morning

Unit 3 - Visiting a home

Unit 4 - You speak arabic well, where did you study?

Unit 5 - Do you speak English?

Unit 6 - Welcome, what is your name?

Unit 7 - How's the family

Unit 8 - May I ask a question

Unit 9 - Hello, I missed you, how is your health?

Unit 10 - Can you tell me when you arrived

Unit 11 - In the office

Unit 12 - Telling time

Unit 13 - When did you come to the Kingdom

Unit 14 - When will he come?

Unit 15 - Going to the post office

Unit 16 - How much does this cost

Unit 17 - I like this, how much?

Unit 18 - How old are you? Your birtday is..?

Unit 19 - Family, brothers, and sisters

Unit 20 - I want to buy those..

Unit 21 - In a taxi

Unit 22 - How long have you been waiting

Unit 23 - Where are you going

Unit 24 - In a front office

Unit 25 - On the telephone

Unit 26 - Dialog in an office

Unit 27 - Do you speak Arabic?

Unit 28 - Are you a professor

Unit 29 - I'd like to introduce you..

Unit 30 - I don't know what he bought

Unit 31 - Ticket and passport please

Unit 32 - At the gas station

Unit 33 - Going to the Bazaar market

Unit 34 - The weather is hot!

Unit 35 - Is there rain in Jidda?

Unit 36 - At the tailor

Unit 37 - An invitation dinner

Unit 38 - In a restaurant

Unit 39 - At the fruit stand

Unit 40 - I want to go to the desert

Unit 41 - Renting an apartment

Unit 42 - Arranging furniture

Unit 43 - At the post office

Unit 44 - Can you do me a favor?

Unit 45 - Vacation and Muslim holidays

Unit 46 - Government

Unit 47 - Tomorrow Ramadan begins

Unit 48 - The Economy is oil

Unit 49 - Current events in the news

Unit 50 - Review Dialogues

Comparative Arabic Courses
From Eastern To Western Arabic

Student Text (56 pages - PDF file)

Levantine and Egyptian Arabic Comparative Study

Student Text (59 pages - PDF file)