This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. 

~ Titles Include ~

A Brief Statement of the Sufferings of Mary Dyer: Occasioned by the Society called Shakers
by Mary M. Dyer - Shakers - 1818

Glimpses of Amish-Mennonite homes and some plain talks to the Inmates by Friend of Humanity

Shakers: Compendium of the Origin, History, Principles, Rules and Regulations
by Frederick William Evans - Shakers - 1859

The Mormon Church and the Sugar Trust (Article) in Hampton's Magazine 1910

Mormonism and the Mormons in Graham's Magazine 1858

Economic Aspects of Mormonism (Article) in Harper's Magazine 1903

Shakerism Unmasked, Or, The History of the Shakers
by William J. Haskett 1828

Christian science by Mark Twain - 1907

The Mormon Menace by Samuel Fallows, Helen May (Fallows) Williams 1903

History of All Christian Sects and Denominations by John Evans 1875

A Study of the Sects by William Henry Lyon 1891

Christian Union: Or, an Argument for the Abolition of Sects by Abraham Van Dyck 1835

The Cults of Lesbos by Emily Ledyard Shields 1917

The Evolution of Religions by Everard Bierer 1906

Religious Denominations of the World by Vincent L. Milner, John Newton Brown, Hannah Adams 1872

Sabina: A Story of the Amish by Helen Reimensnyder Martin 1905

Amanda; a Daughter of the Mennonites by Anna Balmer Myers

The History of Arianism: By M. Maimbourg by Louis Maimbourg (18th century) Volume 2

The Cure of Deism: Or, the Mediatorial Scheme by Jesus Christ the Only True Religion by by Elisha Smith 1737

The Great Mystery of Godliness Incontrovertible; Or, Sir Isaac Newton and the Socinians Foiled in the Attempt to Prove a Corruption in the Text of 1 Tim. 3:16 by by Ebenezer Henderson 1830

Discourses on the Principal Points of the Socinian Controversy by Ralph Wardlaw - 1828

Spiritualism: A Satanic Delusion, and a Sign of the Times by William Ramsey 1856 (first 129 pages only)

Spiritualism Versus Christianity: Or, Spiritualism Thoroughly Exposed
by J. W. Daniels 1856

Studies in Divine Science by Daisy Mary Davis Baum 1909

History of the Sabbath and First Day of the Week by John Nevins Andrews 1873

Pedobaptist and Campbellite Immersions by Amos Cooper Dayton 1858

The Mystics by Katherine Cecil Thurston - 1907

Mystic London; Or, Phases of Occult Life in the Metropolis by Charles Maurice Davies 1875

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-conception: Or, Christian Occult Science by Max Heindel 1910 (some pages unreadable)

Unorthodox London; Or, Phases of Religious Life in the Metropolis by Charles Maurice Davies 1874

History of Zionism, 1600-1918 by Nahum Sokolow 1919 (Volume 2)

Divine and spiritual communications: on the prayers of the Church of England and the Conduct of the Clergy and Calvinistic Methodists by Joanna Southcott 1809
Works by Joanna Southcott - 1813 (Joanna Southcott announced she was the Bride of the Lamb and began to seal the 144,000 - she had many followers)

Non-Catholic Denominations by Robert Hugh Benson 1910

The Religious Creeds and Statistics of Every Christian Denomination by John Hayward 1836

The Nestorians and Their Rituals by George Percy Badger 1852

Why Not Russellism (Alias Millenial Dawnism) by Frank Ballard

Faith-healing: Christian Science and Kindred Phenomena
by James Monroe Buckley - 1892 - 303 page

Christian Science: An Exposition of Mrs. Eddy's Wonderful Discovery Including its Legal Aspects - A Plea for Children and Other Helpless Sick
by William Archer Purrington - 1900 - 184 pages

The Truth and Error of Christian Science
by M Carta Sturge - 1908 - 180 pages

Christian Science and Its Problems
by J. H. Bates - 1898 - 131 pages

The Truth about Christian Science: The Founder and the Faith
by James Henry Snowden - 1920 - 310 pages

The Non-sense of Christian Science
by Albert Clarke Wyckoff - 1921 - 260 pages

Christian Science and Kindred Superstitions: Their Facts and Fallacies
by Charles Fremont Winbigler - 1900 - 160 pages

Vital Issues in Christian Science: A Record of Unsettled Questions which arose in the year 1909
by Augusta Emma Stetson - 1917 - 400 pages

An Exposure of Christian Science
by T. G. Moulton - 1906 - 112 pages

Christian Science and the Catholic Faith
by Augustine Matthias Bellwald - 1922 - 260 pages

Anti-Christian Cults: An Attempt to Show that Spiritualism, Theosophy, and Christian Science
by Arthur H. Barrington - 1898 - 160 pages

Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy - 1906 - 700 pages
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany
by Mary Baker Eddy - 1913 - 360 pages

Valid Objections to So-called Christian Science
by Andrew Findlay Underhill - 1902 - 40 pages

Manual of the Mother Church: The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston
by Mary Baker Eddy - 1899 - 100 pages

Christian Science: The Faith and Its Founder
by Lyman Pierson Powell - 1908 - 251 pages

The Religio-medical Masquerade: A Complete Exposure of Christian Science
by Frederick William Peabody- 1915 - 190 pages

Complete Exposure of Eddyism Or Christian Science: The Plain Truth in Plain Terms
by Frederick William Peabody - 1904 - 50 pages

The Elements of Christian Science: A Treatise Upon Moral Philosophy and Practice
by William Adams - 1857 - 360 pages

Christian Science and the Ordinary Man: A Discussion of Some of the ...
by Walter Stewart Harris - 1917 - 333 pages
Christian science: With Notes Containing Corrections to Date
by Mark Twain - 1907 - 260 pages

Christian Science Versus Pantheism: And Other Messages to the Mother Church
by Mary Baker Eddy - 1908 - 90 pages

Christian Science, Medicine, and Occultism
by Albert Moll - 1902 - 40 pages

Christian Science Against Itself
by Miram W Gifford - 1902 - 310 pages

The Mask of Christian Science: A History of the Rise and Growth of the System
by Francis Edward Marsten - 1909 - 182 pages

Christian Science in the Light of Holy Scripture
by Isaac Massey Haldeman - 1909 - 430 pages
"I have but one object in writing this book: to show that Christian Science is wholly outside the Bible and has no right to the name 'Christian.'"

Christian Science So-called: An Exposition and an Estimate
by Henry Clay Sheldon - 1913 - 92 pages

Christian Science History: A Statement of Facts Relating to the Authorship of the book
by Septimus James Hanna - 1899 - 30 pages

The Sophistries of Christian Science
by Edward Clarence Farnsworth- 1909 - 111 pages

Christian Science and Kindred Delusions
by Luther Day Harkness 1899 - 30 pages

Christian Science Before the Bar of Reason
by Louis Aloisius Lambert - 1908 - 202 pages

The Faith and Works of Christian Science
by Stephen Paget - 1909 - 222 pages

The Quimby Manuscripts: Showing the Discovery of Spiritual Healing
by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby - 1921 - 434 pages

Reminiscences, Sermons and Correspondence Proving Adherence to the Principles of Christian Science
by Augusta Emma Stetson - 1913 - 1200 page

Christian Science as a Religious Belief and a Therapeutic Agent
by Benjamin Orange Flower  - 1909 - 150 pages

A New Appraisal of Christian Science
by Joseph Dunn Burrell - 1906 - 70 pages

The Good Side of Christian Science
by Christian Daa Larson- 1916 - 60 pages

Christian Science; Historical Facts - 1902 - 25 pages
The Illusions of Christian Science, Its Philosophy Rationally Examined
by John WHITEHEAD - 1907 - 240 pages

Faith-healing and Christian Science
by Alice Feilding - 1899 - 210 pages

Christian Science, an Apostasy from Science and Christianity
by Cyril Buotich - 1916 - 120 pages

Modern Religious Cults and Movements by GG Atkins 1923

Bible Nuts for Seventh Dayists to Crack if they Can, article in the Leaves of healing magazine 1919

Religious Delusions, with chapters on Adventists, Mormons, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses [Russellism] and more, by James Vincent Coombs 1904

Adventists, Dunkers, Mennonites, Churches of God - Article in Corner-Stones of Faith 1898

Normal and Abnormal Delusion, article in the Alienist and neurologist Magazine

The Evolution of Religions by E. Bierer 1906

Cults, Myths and Religions by Salomon Reinach 1912

The Mormons in America, article in the Dublin Review 1852

A Holy, Sacred and Divine Roll and Book from the Lord God of Heaven Volume 1 1843

A Holy, Sacred and Divine Roll and Book from the Lord God of Heaven Volume 2 1843 (otherwise known as the Shaker Bible)

Why I Reject the Millenial Dawn (early Jehovah's Witnesses) by W. Stevens 1915

A Debate on the Doctrine of Universal Salvation by Enoch M. Pingree and Nathan L. Rice 1845

A Discussion of the Doctrine of Universal Salvation by Thomas Jefferson Sawyer & Isaac Wescott

The Latest Word of Universalism by A G Gaines 1878

Unitarianism Defined by Frederick Farley 1860

Unitarianism in America, a History of its Origin and Development by George Willis Cooke 1902

Universal Salvation Considered by the Rev. George Peck 1827

plus you get:

The Unitarian (periodical) 1834

Old and New Unitarian Belief by John White Chadwick, 1894 - 246 pages

Unitarian Principles Confirmed by Trinitarian Testimonies

by Octavius Brooks Frothingham, John Wilson - 1880 - 588 pages

The Unitarian Review

edited by Charles Lowe, Henry Wilder Foote, John Hopkins Morison, Henry H. Barber, James De Normandie, Joseph Henry Allen - 1875

Unitarian Thought by Ephraim Emerton - 1911 - 309 pages

The Unitarian Miscellany and Christian Monitor

by Jared Sparks, Francis William Pitt Greenwood - Unitarianism - 1824

The Unitarian Review and Religious Magazine by Charles Lowe, Henry Wilder Foote, John Hopkins Morison, Henry H. Barber, James De Normandie - 1874

Ezra Stiles Gannett, Unitarian Minister in Boston, 1824-1871: A Memoir by William Channing Gannett - 1893 - 564 pages

The Unitarian: A Monthly Magazine of Liberal Christianity edited by Jabez Thomas Sunderland, Brooke Herford, Frederick B. Mott - 1897

American Unitarianism, Or, A Brief History of the Progress and Present State of the Unitarian Church

by Thomas Belsham, James Freeman, William Wells - 1816

Our Unitarian Gospel by Minot Judson Savage - 1898

Tracts of the American Unitarian Association

by American Unitarian Association - 1834

A collection of essays by different authors from the Tracts of the American Unitarian Association, 11th series and miscellaneous series (1827- )

An Historical Sketch of the Unitarian Movement Since the Reformation

by Joseph Henry Allen - 1894

Manual of Unitarian Belief by James Freeman Clarke, Kate Gannett Wells - Unitarianism - 1906

Manual of Unitarian Belief

by James Freeman Clarke, Kate Gannett Wells - Unitarianism - 1906

Early Sources of English Unitarian Christianity

by Gaston Bonet-Maury, Edward Potter Hall - 1884 - 291 pages

Unitarian Affirmations: Seven Discourses Given in Washington, D.C.

by Frederic Henry Hedge - 1879

Popular Objections to Unitarian Christianity Considered and Answered

by George Washington Burnap - 1848

The Year-book of the Unitarian Congregational Churches by American Unitarian Association - 1892

An History of Early Opinions Concerning Jesus Christ: Compiled from Original Writers proving that the Christian Church was at first Unitarian

by Joseph Priestley - 1786

American Unitarian Biography: Memoirs of Individuals who Have Been In the Cause of Liberal Christianity

edited by William Ware - 1851

The Unitarian Advocate - 1828

Liberal Religious Thought at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century

by William Copeland Bowie - 1901

Hymns for Church and Home: And Unitarian Service Book - 1903

Authentic Report of the Discussion on the Unitarian Controversy

by John Scott Porter, Daniel Bagot - 1834

Remarks on the Unitarian Belief: With a Letter to a Unitarian Friend on the Lord's Supper

by Nehemiah Adams - 1832

Reviews of On the formation of Christian character and 0utline of Scripture testimony against the Trinity by Henry Ware

An Inquiry Into the Comparative Moral Tendency of Trinitarian and Unitarian Doctrines

by Jared Sparks - 1823 - 418 pages

The Unitarian Advocate and Religious Miscellany - 1831

A Century of Village Unitarianism: Being a History of the Reformed Christian Unitarian Church of Trenton NJ

by Charles Graves - 1904

A Half-century of the Unitarian Controversy by George Edward Ellis - 1857 - 511 pages

The New Discussion of the Trinity by Frederic Dan Huntington, Thomas Starr King, Orville Dewey, American Unitarian Association - 1860 - 244 pages

Antitrinitarian Biography: Or, Sketches of the Lives and Writings of Distinguished AntiTrinitarians

by Robert Wallace - Unitarian Universalist churches - 1850

After Strange Gods

The Andover Heresy: In the Matter of the Complaint Against Egbert C. Smyth and Others

by Egbert Coffin Smyth 1887

Mahometanism Unveiled Vol 2: An Inquiry in which that Arch-heresy, Its Diffusion and Continuance

by Charles Forster - 1829

Moravian Heresy by John Roche - 1751

Discussion of Universalism: Or, A Defence of Orthodoxy Against the Heresy of Universalism

by William Latta McCalla 1825 - 309 pages

The Arians of the Fourth Century

by John Henry Newman - 1876

The Millennial Dawn Heresy (Charles Russell - Russellism)

by E.L. Eaton, D.D. - 1911

The Secret Life: Being the Book of a Heretic

by Elizabeth Bisland, Elizabeth Bisland Wetmore - 1906

A Debate on Christian Baptism - 1824 - Alexander Campbell 418 pages

A Debate on the Roman Catholic Religion - 1837

Campbellism Exposed - 1860 - Alexander Campbell

Debates on the Evidences of Christianity - 1829 - Alexander Campbell

Debate on Infant Sprinkling - 1820 - Alexander Campbell

A Debate on Christian Baptism

by Alexander Campbell, William Latta McCalla - 1824 - 420 pages

The Cure of Deism: Or, the Mediatorial Scheme by Jesus Christ

by Elisha Smith- 1737

Bible Proofs of Universal Salvation

by John Wesley Hanson - 1903 - 100 pages

A Debate on the Doctrine of Universal Salvation by Enoch Merrill Pingree, Nathan Lewis Rice - 1845 - 420 pages

An Oral Debate on the Coming of the Son of Man and Endless Punishment

by Erasmus Manford, Benjamin Franklin 1860 - 350 pages

Christ's Second Coming: Will it be Pre-millennial?

by David Brown - 1882 - 460 pages

Russell-White Debate: A Public Discussion

by Charles Taze Russell, Lloyd Smith White - 1908 - 190 pages

Wife No. 19 - A Life in Bondage, A Complete Expose of Mormonism by Ann E Young 1875

Women Under Polygamy by Walter Matthew Gallichan 1915

American Anthropology Disproving the Book of Mormon by Charles Shook 1916

2000 Changes in the Book of Mormon

Exposé of Polygamy in Utah: A Lady's Life Among the Mormons.
by T. B. H. Stenhouse 1872

Female Life Among the Mormons: A Narrative of Many Years' Personal Experience by Maria Ward 1858

Fifteen Years Among the Mormons: Being the Narrative of Mrs. Mary Ettie V Smith
by Nelson Winch Green - 1859

Cosmopolitan Magazine Versus the Mormon Church (1911)
Article One: The Viper on the Hearth - Mormonism - Its Plots, Plans and Intrigues Against American Homes by Alfred Henry Lewis
Article Two: The Trail of the Viper - How the slimy trail of Mormonism, blazed by Prophet Smith and his political satellites, stretches across the continent in the nation's Capitol, foreshadowing the vicious domination of Mormon influence by Alfred Henry Lewis
Also comes with the article from the Missouri Historical Review entitled "Mormon Troubles in Missouri."
Also comes with an article in McClure's Magazine (1911) entitled, "The Mormon Revival of Polygamy" by Burton J. Hendrick

The Mormon Menace

My Summer in a Mormon Village
by Florence Merriam Bailey 1894

"Tell it All": the Story of a Life's Experience in Mormonism: An Autobiography Inluding a Full Account of the Mountain Meadows Massacre by T. B. H. Stenhouse 1878

The Case against Mormonism by Robert Webb 1915

The Letters of an Apostate Mormon to his Son by Hans Freece 1908

An Old Mormon City in Missouri (Article) in The Magazine of American History 1886

The Mormon's Mistake, or, What is the Gospel? by HA Ironside

The Mormon Puzzle and How to Solve it by RW Beers 1887

Absurdities of Immaterialism - Reply to Remarks on Mormonism by Orson Pratt

The Mormon Battalion: Its History and Achievements
by Brigham Henry Roberts - 1846-1848 - 1919

Apples of Sodom: A Story of Mormon Life
by Rosetta Luce Gilchrist

The Mormons. or Latter Day Saints in Arthurs Home Magazine 1853

A Visit to Salt Lake: Being a Journey Across the Plains by William Chandless - 1857


History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Brigham Henry Roberts - 1902

History of Utah: Comprising Preliminary Chapters on the Previous History of her Founder...The Advent of the Mormon Pioneers
by Orson Ferguson Whitney 1892

Mormon or Patriot (Article) in Leslie's Monthly Magazine 1904

Life in Utah

WS Godbe on Polygamy in Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine 1881

Who wrote the Book of Mormon? by Robert Patterson

The Real Mormonism: A Candid Analysis by Robert C. Webb - 1916

The Founder of Mormonism: A Psychological Study of Joseph Smith, Jr.
by Woodbridge Riley 1903

The Prophet of the 19th Century; or, The rise, progress, and present state of the Mormons, or Latter-day Saints: to which is appended, an Analysis of the Book of Mormon by Henry Caswal 1843

Document containing the correspondence in relation to the disturbances with the Mormons 1841

The Koran and the Bible; or, Islam and Christianity
by John Muehleisen Arnold - 1866

The Crescent Versus the Cross
by Khalil Khalid - 1907

The Koran, Article in Yale Literary Magazine 1886

The Moslem Christ: an essay on the life, character, and teachings of Jesus Christ according to the Koran and orthodox tradition by Samuel Zwemer 1912

Mohammed or Christ by Samuel Zwemer 1916

Mohammed and Mohammedanism: Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution
by Reginald Bosworth Smith - 1876 - 368 pages

Mohammed and Mohammedanism Critically Considered
by Sigismund Wilhelm Koelle 1889

Mohammed and the Rise of Islam
by David Samuel Margoliouth 1905

Mohammed, Buddha, and Christ: Four Lectures on Natural and Revealed Religion by Marcus Dods - 1877

The Baptism of Infants, a reasonable service, founded upon Scripture, and undoubted Apostolic tradition 1753 by Micaiah Towgood

A history of Anti-pedobaptism from the rise of pedobaptism to A.D. 1609 by Albert Newman 1897

Why Friends (Quakers) Do Not Baptize with Water by James H. Moon 1909

Rhantism versus Baptism or Infant Sprinkling against Christian Immersion by Ellison Seacome 1835

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