The poems of Anna Zolotareva and Vladimir Belyaev translated by Katerina Basova. The poems of Ivan Sokolov and Eugenia Suslova translated by Pavel Zarutskiy. The poems of Rostislav Amelin, Pavel Arseniev, Sergey Geychenko, Kirill Korchagin, Alexei Kudrikov, Eduard Lukoyanov, Denis Beznosov, Galina Rymbu translated by Eleni Katsioli.

It would seem that in contemporary Russian poetry, the gap between high and mainstream poetry has been replaced by an even larger gap created by “Internet poetry”, a sort of blogging that mixes elements of poetry, very frequently influenced by the works of Joseph Brodsky, and the style of social media posts. However, this poetry is neither a parallel universe, nor a style of poetry based on the pursuits of movements from the past century. 

POETS: Rostislav Amelin, Pavel Arseniev, Sergey Geychenko, Anna Zolotareva, Kirill Korchagin, Alexei Kudrikov, Eduard Lukoyanov, Denis Beznosov, Vladimir Belyaev, Galina Rymbu, Ivan Sokolov, Eugenia Suslova.

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eBay Seller

Key Details
Pavel Zarutskiy
Katerina Basova, Eleni Katsioli, Pavel Zarutskiy
Number Of Pages228 pages
Publication Date2018-10-01
LanguageGreek & Russian Publications
Publication Year2018

Additional Details
Copyright Date2018
Original LanguageRussian