Volkswagen DVD Navigation Map North America
(Check with local VW dealer for compatible vehicles prior to purchase)

*Genuine Item Not a Copy

The part numbers and information on the map disc

Part No: 
Version 3B

2005 Volkswagen of America 
 2005 NAVTEQ

*This item has no return or refund, make sure you purchase the exact DVD disc for your car.

Please check with your local VW dealer for compatibility with your vehicle before purchase

This DVD disc only suitable for some VW models, equipped with factory Navigation system 


*It is the buyers responsibility to verify compatibility by contacting
their local
VW dealer parts dept. with VIN No. with the above
Part NO'S and Version to confirm the DVD will work.


Payment: Payment required using PayPal within 24 hours of winning bid.
Shipping: We will ship via USPS to US and CANADA after cleared payment.
*This item has no return or refund, make sure you purchase the exact DVD disc for your car.