Our EcoHerbs patented new breakthrough formulation is mixed with a special blend of neem extracts and aloe vera along with other natural tropical herbs. This combination produces important microorganisms to create a magical effect on your hair roots, which gives your hair a much softer texture and less frizzy hair. Treats dull, dry hair and nourishes hair structure to remain vibrant, fresh and healthy.

 Magical Effects: 

It consist of below item: - 1 x NeemCare Scalp Rejuvenation Shampoo (200ml)

**Attention!**: Hair Loss Sufferers With Male Or Female Pattern Baldness & Thinning Hair...  Frustrated that nothing you've tried seems to actually WORK?


Who Else Wants to Know How to Stop Your Hair Loss & Rapidly Grow Back a Full Head of Thick, Shiny, Beautiful, Hair With Only 3 Easy Steps?

Here's The True Story Of What Really Happened, How This Proven, Breakthrough EcoHerbs Herbal Shampoo & Serums Works, And How You Can Put It To Work For You... RIGHT NOW.

April 20th, 2019

***As of today,*** everyone in United States, United Kingdom, Dubai, Australia, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, (and spreading quickly!) are now HAPPILY using EcoHerbs Shampoos & Serums everyday and telling their friends about it. More than 48,284 happy users (and still countings) have been using worldwide. Read on to find out why...

Are You:


If you answered to any of those questions, whether you're a man, woman, young or old, then this page might just be the most important letter you're ever read...

You're Not Alone.

For men and women,

Acccording to famous health expert specialist, Dr.Oz, you could be one of millions of people suffering from hair loss problem. Genetic, Stress,prenancy,unhealthy lifestyle habit,diabetes, unbalanced diet,hair treatment, fungal infection and medication from drugs is one of the reasons that caused you having hair issue.


     It can have a devastating effect in every area your life - mentally, psychologically, in your work performance, relationships with the opposite sex: your girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, friends, relatives, etc -- everything just goes down south.

     I know how it feels -- the more hair you lose, the more insecure... the more humiliated you feel.

     You feel grossly unattractive, old & ashamed to been seen with unsightly bald, thinning patches on your head and you'll do just about anything to turn back time and grow it all back!

Here's My Story And What It Means To You

     You see, when I turned 32, I experienced an "awakening" of sorts.

     One morning, as I looked in the mirror and ran my hand through my hair, I suddenly realized my hair had seriously begun to thin at both front temples. I had what you called the dreaded "M" shape hairline -- instantly it made me look 5 years older than my actual age. 

     I remembered how I was standing there flabbergasted... staring at the mirror in disbelief, with that horror, I mean... how could I accept it? I was only 32 for God's sake.. "How could I accept it?! "Why me??!" I am surprised how I looked, absolutely hated it. But soon reality sank in that as shocked, as angry as I felt, I could not deny the fact, that the inevitable had happened: I was nearly BALDING.         

     My hair was OBVIOUSLY drastically thinning & receding. "How much longer until I'm totally bald?", was all I could think off. It has been quite some time now. It's been more than 5 years since it started.

     Everytime I comb my hair, there are about 5-50 strands of hair falling down every single day. Especially when I wash my hair using baths or just wake up from bed. There are few strands of hair here appeared on my pillow or at the bathroom. It has become a norm since the past 5 years.

     The worst part is when my wife keep scording me for this issue ever since we married last year! She said she felt disgusted and tired to see my hair across in every edge of the house when she do house cleaning. The more day she scolded, the more frustrated I am especially she is my loves one! In fact, I can felt that our marriage life relationship going bad pretty soon.  

     I am losing self confidence day by day because of my thinning hair. I just wanted to hide myself in the house and not going out for social. I started wearing caps everywhere I went. Sometimes my friends tease me for reason always wearing hat during hot weather, I have to say "it's upcoming new fashion" to get over my embarrassing moment. Although they are happy to make fun of me, but not for me anyway. I felt nobody understand me :(

       The rest of that day I couldn't stop thinking about it. I hate myself for ignoring my hair issue for SO LONG. Thinking it will recover itself unfortunately the reality it is NOT :(   And that... was the start of a long, brutal & agonizing journey towards recovery.

       Over the weeks and months that followed, I became extremely self-conscious. I didn't want anybody else to see that I was going bald! And that was when


I Became A Scientist & A Guinea Pig

I started to spent hundreds of hours online researching forums, website, went through 15+ natural sexual healing/medicine and hundred of product user reviews.

I went to consult specialist doctor, only to find out any form of "hair care treatment" or "hair  transplant" would end up costing me easily $3,000-$20,000 and upwards.

Unpertubed, I pushed myself towards own journey of ultimate cure...

Along the way, I discovered Japanese and Korean ancient hair tonic... tried them -nothing.

I then uncovered the most popular FDA-approved approved hair growth formulation of using both minoxidil and finasteride... (It is marketed today under many trade names, including Avacor Physician's Formulation, Loniten (oral), Mintop, Amexidil, Rogaine, Spectral.DNC, and Vanarex).

I got excited! Sure it was expensive as hell, but heck, I didn't care! Everybody I consulted said it would work.

...and initially it did work, I did grow back a head full of hair,



A side note about anything that contains minoxidil and finasteride (whether it's in topical or tablet form) -- despite what any doctor, pharmacists or hair care "expert" will say -- I can tell you from personal experience DO NOT to take them at all costs!

          There drugs will DESTROY your internal system -- they are PURE CHEMICAL -- 110% bad for you - and the side effects will be a NIGHTMARE for you in the long-run, so think twice before consuming them!

          Long story short, each time I tried something new, I would get my hopes up thinking I had found a solution. And each time, I would be slapped on the face with a big let down when nothing changed. I began to feel depressed. I was starting to think I would have to live with no hair for the rest of my life.

          And then, just when I was about to give up for good, I stumbled upon an odd combination of treatment that I never considered before. It was in early 2012, when I stumbled upon a product called from "EcoHerbs Ginseng Extra Strength Package". It was cheap. And more importantly it was HERBAL-BASED.

          And after just months of application, my hair loss completely stopped and baby hair started sprouting all over my head... everywhere!

          You can imagine how my confidence has returned completely since... Today, after 1 year+ of blood, sweat & tears battling this dreadful "disease", it is FINALLY gone.

          And it is because of how confident I am of this product, that I'm sharing it with you here, with the hope that YOU will also get back your head full of hair naturally!

Best of all: It doesn't matter whether your hair loss is due to genetics, pregnancy, malnutrition, stress level, the environment or anything lifestyle-related, by the time you're finished using it, your hair WILL grow with your body’s own, natural hair growth cycle - thicker & fuller than ever before like how I experience now.


People Like You Are Getting These Incredible Results...

"It took me ONLY 6-7 months to grow all my hair naturally back with your EcoHerbs Ginseng Serum and Shampoos. I was disciplined and I applied them consistently every day without fail. Till this day I am still shocked by how such an inexpensive product as yours could work because I have spent close to $7000+ in the past year on many different products, clinics, treatments; you name it, I tried them all, nothing worked.  

I first tested yours with extreme skepticism too lol(can you blame me?;) Within the first 3 weeks of application, my hair loss completely stopped and I started to see baby hairs growing in the front! And what you see today, it's 90% close what it looks like before my drastic hair thinning, so thank you for such amazing products, I've recommended this to all my family and friends as I'm convinced now that it really DOES work! Go herbal! " - Jeff.P


" I used to feel insecure and have confidence problems with the women & at work because of my awkward bald spot at the top of my head. I easily spent close to $20,000 over the years trying all sorts of hair care treatments which probably got me to grow a few strands of baby hair at most. I tried your product because it was cheap just for the sake of trying, but the moment I started using it I instantly felt the difference.

My hair loss stopped within 3 weeks of using and after 6 months, my bald spot at the top has more or less grown back I still cannot believe it, my friends are also noticing my new glow and the image change in me, I couldn't be happier! Have already recommended to a couple of my friends who have lost hope with their hair loss, hopefully your product can help them too."

- A.Raj


"I love the overall herbal moisture and feel of your Ginseng it soothes my scalp each time I apply it. I used to feel depressed all the time worrying about my thinning hair and frankly I'm still amazed how such an inexpensive product as yours have managed to solve my biggest nightmare when I've easily spent thousands on other products with nothing to show. 

My hair loss stopped within a month using your serum, dandruff problems settled, no more dried skin and grew back the entire back portion of my hair within 5 months! " - Susan.G

"I have been suffering from severe hair thinning for the past 4 years to the point I practically gave up all hope after having close to $17,000 on ineffective treatments with a bruised ego and zero results. 

The first week I used your product I was amazed at how it completely stopped my hair loss and within 7 months I've almost grown back a healthy, thick and full volume of hair on my crown! What's even more amazing is how affordable your products are unlike what's outside with little or no results. The herbs soothes my scalp and love the refreshing feels each time I apply it. Thank you! I've recommended it all my family & friends!- Gerald.M





All EcoHerbs Herbal Shampoos and Serums are made of Top Quality Herbs, Fruits and Enzymes where you can instantly feel the different of it the moment you use it. They are all manufactured from sunny, tropica Malaysia in South East Asia.

All the special blend of herbs, ingredients & plants have meticulously been sourced from across Asia and is not available anywhere else in the world.



1. EcoHerbs Hair Re-Born Scalp Rejuvenation Herbal Shampoo

One of the most powerful hair-reborn herbal shampoos because it is formulated from a combination of fruit enzymes, natural tropical herbs & plants. You can instantly tell as it gives off an extremely cooling and breezy sensation when applied on your scalp.

This combination produces important micro-organisms to create a magical effect on your hair roots which in turn makes it a highly effective solution for hair thinning, dandruff, scalp itchiness, dull & dry hair.

Magical Effects:

2. **Brand New!**: EcoHerbs Ginseng Extra Strength Serum - More Power, Double Ooomph! (For Beginner, Medium & Critical Hair Regrowth Treatment)

Our newest breakthrough Ginseng Hair Reborn has just launched! This secret formula is specifically for critical & severe hair loss cases when hair is extremely sparse, thin or near-bald. This patented Ginseng Extra Strength extract contains a special blend of traditional ginseng, natural herbs, enzymes & plants to stimulate baby hair follicles for accelerated hair thickness & growth.

Ginseng is widely used as a key ingredient in indigenous medicine and traditional medicine as a powerful natural stimulant & aphrodisiac. This ginseng lotion absorbs perfectly into your scalp, forms a strong, protective layer on your hair strands & nourishes your baby roots with a cool, breezy sensation which leaves you wanting more. Its effects remains until the next wash.

 Magical Effects:


3. EcoHerbs Pomegranate VCO Cream 

This cream consists of a special blend of pomegranate plant extracts and rich doses of Virgin Coconut Oil (a well-known catalyst and hair growth stimuli which is is obtained from fresh coconut milk using the ‘Integrated Wet and Dry Process’ without any heat or chemical application).

It is completely absorbed by hair, filling up the hollow shafts, adding body and making hair appear thicker, whilst also protecting it from damage (by reducing fiber swelling). This along with 7 other "secret" blend of mixed herbs makes it an all-natural hair loss agent & hair growth stimuli.

Magical Effects:

4. Citrus Hystrix Serum (For Beginning, Serious Case of Dandruff, Oily/Itchy/Dry/Flaky Scalp, Lice Problems)

Citrus hystrix (also known as "medicine citrus" - is a fruit native to IndoChinese eco-regions commonly used in traditional Indonesian medicine).

This trademark patented serum is a special hair care solution which works wonders to treat oily/itchy/flaky/dry scalp problems, scalp itchiness & dandruff. It nourishes, protects the hair from the damages done by over exposure to sun and hair styling products which makes them strong, and they don't break away easily.

It conditions the hair, which makes them healthy, silky and shiny. Processed without harmful fuel-based ingredients, heat & chemicals. It contains fine molecules that allows it to easily absorb into the scalp right into your hair roots. Functions as a rich hair "soil" with deep nourishment for hair roots.

Magical Effects:


5. NeemCare Scalp Rejuvenation Herbal Shampoo™ (Conditions For Softer, Bouncier Hair, For Flat/Dull/Dry Hair, Beginning Stages Of Hair Loss, Dandruff, Oily/Itchy/Dry/Flaky Scalp, Lice Problems)

Our EcoHerbs patented new breakthrough formulation is mixed with a special blend of neem extracts and aloe vera along with other natural tropical herbs. This combination produces important microorganisms to create a magical effect on your hair roots, which gives your hair a much softer texture and less frizzy hair. Treats dull, dry hair and nourishes hair structure to remain vibrant, fresh and healthy.

 Magical Effects: 

6. Neem Leaf Pure Organic Extracts Plus Serum™ (For Treating White/Graying Hair – Or If Your Hair Feels Flat, Dull, Rough Or Dry)

Our EcoHerbs patented new serum is mixed with a special blend of Tocotrienol and is rich in Vitamin E, amongst other tropical herbs. In recent years, the breakthrough ingredient "Tocotrienols" are known to be amongst the most powerful agents for hair growth, literally translating to more hairs.

In addition to the reports of hair growth, there have been numerous comments, stories and feedback from users of hair darkening too. This is actually the result of the antioxidant effect of Tocotrienols controlling the hair whitening effect of the body's production of hydrogen peroxide that typically occurs as we age.

Put another way, our brand new patented NeemLeaf Organics Serum will solve your white/gray hairs and grows back your hair at the same time too!

Magical Effects: 

Special Highlights About EcoHerbs Shampoo & Serums:

3 Easy Steps To Stop Your Hair Loss and Grow Back Your Hair... Fuller and Thicker Than Before.

Step #1: Apply the Pomegranate VCO Cream In The Morning

How To Use:

Use every morning as a replacement for your other hair creams you normally use. Rich in Vitamin E & virgin coconut oil (VCO) to help open up pores and coats your hair roots for stronger, healthier hair. Make sure your hair is clean and dry before application.

Apply a generous amount onto your scalp and to make sure that it fully absorbs deep into your roots. Leave it on for the whole day.

Can be used daily or every other day without any side effects.


Step #2: Use The Hair Re-Born Scalp Rejuvenation Herbal Shampoo At Night

How To Use:

Wet your hair and apply generous amounts and leave shampoo on hair for 4 – 5 minutes to make sure that all the herbs, plants, enzymes and micro-organisms are fully absorbed deep into your scalp before rinsing off with water.

Rinse, wash and dry to prepare for application of your preferred Serum thereafter. Can be used daily or every other day without any side effects.


Step #3: Apply the Ginseng Extra Strength Serum OR Citrus Hystix Serum (Use Only Either One) At Night... Every Night.

How To Use:

Use the Ginseng Extra Strength or the Citrus Hystrix Serum (use only one) consistently once every night right after you have used the Hair re-born herbal shampoo. Wipe, clean and dry your scalp thoroughly.

Apply a generous amount on the problematic areas and sleep with it overnight. Our bodies rejuvenate and recharges themselves every night. The serums will then absorb naturally into your scalp to work together with your body in its rejuvenation process.

Alternatively, you can also use a medium sized paint brush to apply it onto your skin for a more even effect. Recommended for use consistently every night without using any other hair creams for maximum effect.

Can be used daily or every other day without any side effects.

2 Easy Steps To Treat Your Premature White/Graying Hair... Have Shinier, Softer, Bouncier & More Beautiful Hair Than Before.

Step #1: Apply the Neemcare Scalp Rejuvenation Herbal Shampoo At Night

How To Use:

Wet your hair and apply generous amounts and leave NeemCare shampoo on hair for 4 – 5 minutes to make sure that all the herbs, plants, enzymes and micro-organisms are fully absorbed deep into your scalp before rinsing off with water.

Rinse, wash and dry to prepare for application of the Neem Leaf Serum thereafter. Can be used daily or every other day without any side effects.


Step #2: Apply the Neem Leaf Pure Organics Extracts Plus Serum At Night... Every Night.

How To Use:

Use the Neem Leaf Pure Organics Extracts Serum once consistently every night right after you have used the NeemCare Organics herbal shampoo. Wipe, clean and dry your scalp thoroughly.

Apply a generous amount on the problematic areas and sleep with it overnight. Our bodies rejuvenate and recharges themselves every night. The serum will then absorb naturally into your scalp to work together with your body in its rejuvenation process.

Alternatively, you can also use a medium sized paint brush to apply it onto your skin for a more even effect. Recommended for use consistently every night without using any other hair creams for maximum effect.

Can be used daily or every other day without any side effects.



Say YES! to Healthy, Confidence & Attractive Lifestyle!

Imagine... how it feels like to see (and feel) little, tiny hairs popping up all over your head.

Imagine... combing your hair and feeling hundreds of tiny baby hairs starting to grow in the thinnest spots on your scalp

Imagine... looking your age for the first time in months or even years!

Imagine... the confidence you'll get back to DOMINATE at work!

Imagine... feeling attractive again, having the opposite sex looking AT YOU instead of looking PAST YOU!

... the world of possibilities.

"But What Kind of HEFTY  Price Tag Should This Go For? $15,000? $7,000? $3000?!"

If you're going for hair transplants, hair care treatment centers, or any other OTC drug or chemical based treatments, you'll easily be charged those ridiculous, exorbitant prices for treatments that are often dangerous, have permanent side-effects or end up with dismal results at best.

What you want instead is a solid, practical & affordable solution with PERMANENT results.

And that's' exactly what you're going to get, wayyy cheaper than any hair care center treatment you'll ever see anywhere else...

I Wonder If You Will Experience  This “Magic Moment” Sooner Than Others, When You Start…

Once you start using EcoHerbs Shampoos and Serums, you will probably notice a change in your scalp on the first day. Most people do. You’ll notice your scalp is cooler after applied EcoHerbs Shampoos and Serums everytime.Like you have more attention to focus on things. 

Now that your scalp will not struggling of not getting enough herbal nutrients to do what it needs to do. In fact, you’ll feel special herbal effects start to repair your damaged hair and help you SOLVE all your hair issue naturally that you are facing long time ago. 

Like you have much more endurance.  In the afternoon, you’ll notice, you don’t have that 2PM crash 
anymore because of the cooler effects it brings to your scalp when you apply the serum or use the shampoos. By dinner time, you’ll notice you didn’t need to fall asleep in the afternoon. 

And when it’s time to sleep you’re going to have the deepest sleep you’ve had in a long long time. The next day, you’ll wake up feeling sharper than before. After using it consistently, your scalp start to became more healthy and produce more small baby hair out of your thinning areas. 

For some beginner or medium hair issue, it might take 2 weeks to 3 months seeing the result naturally.And if it’s a severe hair condition, it might take 3 months to 1 year. But one day, it WILL happen naturally.  I call it the "Magic Moment." 

It’s where you feel like things have truly changed for the better. 

Where you realize the usual pain and discomfort you used to experience has not come 

That it wasn’t a fluke or a temporary high you had. Where you know, your struggle for deep and 
optimal hair issue is finally OVER. Where you know you can support and give attention to the people that mean the most in your life -- your children, your grandchildren, you spouse, your friends... 

...until this moment, a part of you was being held hostage by pain and fear. But when the “Magic Moment” comes, the fear will be over. 

This is what I want for you. I want to help you to get your “Magic Moment” as soon as possible. 

So go ahead, place your order now and begin your transformation as soon as possible.


P.S - Here are some of the more frequency asked questions (FAQs) that we've had about EcoHerbs Shampoos and Serums:

I don't know which package to choose? What is the difference between the Ginseng Package, Citrus Hystrix or the NeemCare Organics Scalp Rejuvenation Package?

Choose the Ginseng Extra Strength Extreme Package if you are currently suffering from critical & severe hair loss cases in which hair is extremely sparse, thin or near-bald. If your hair is still reasonably thick but you're starting to notice that your hair is beginning to thin, fall off, recede or if you think you're at the beginning stage of hair loss, this should be the one for you to use. As the name suggests, it comes with "extra strength" so if you want something really strong to thicken your hair fast, go for this one.
Choose the NeemCare Organics Scalp Rejuvenation Package if you have premature gray & white hair, if your hair feels dry, frizzy, flat, dull & boring. Our brand new patented brand new NeemCare Organics formula will give you a much softer, sexier, vibrant & stronger hair.
Choose the Citrus Hystrix Basic Serum Package if you have oily/itchy/dry/flaky scalp problem, lice, dandruff problems, migraines & headaches. This package is very soothing and therapeutic, so if you're looking for a calming, cool, relaxing effect for your scalp, choose this one.


 I have been told that my hair loss is due to family genetics and there's nothing I can do but accept it. Can your product help?

As long as your scalp is not COMPLETELY bald, with ZERO hair on it, you still have a chance to grow back your hair.

Most of our customers who were told the same thing by their doctors or hair experts have been giving us positive comments/feedback and are very happy with the results they are seeing so far.


My scalp is already COMPLETELY bald & shiny, or there are areas on my head that is completely bald, can your product help to grow it back?

No, it cannot because your hair follicles and roots are no more there, so there's really nothing much that you can do unless you opt for hair transplants which you can see "guaranteed" results.

Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that moves individual hair follicles from a part of the body called the 'donor site' to bald or balding part of the body known as the 'recipient site'. It is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness. In this condition, grafts containing hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding are transplanted to bald scalp.


 Are your products safe?


The following is the Biochem Laboratories Analysis 2011:
Test Method Used: FDA-FAM 1995
Test Method Used: Ph.Eur Method 2.6.13
Test Method Used: AS1766.2.2:1980


Will I experience any side effects?

None whatsoever. Our 100% natural herbal ingredients are processed without fuel-based heat or chemicals. It is made up of a special combination of virgin coconut oil (VCO), kaffir lime, candlenuts, Hibiscus rosasinensis, Ocimum leaves, aloe vera, rosemary, stinging nettle, birch, horse tail, yarrow oil, coltsfoot, candlenuts, mother of thyme, herbs & various miscellaneous plants -- all stimulants for natural hair regrowth.


1 package of your products (example: EcoHerbs Ginseng Extra Strength Pakcage can use for how long? 

For 1 set, you able to use up to 1.5-2 months depend on usage yeah. For women, it would be 1-1.5 months become most women hair are longer.

All EcoHerbs shampoos and serums are very thick and packed with lot of herbal ingredients, fruits enzymes and plants, so you just need to use a little bit each time. It will do its job magically.


How do I use this product?

It is really easy for even the busiest of people to use EcoHerbs Shampoos and Serums. 

All you have to do refer to the instructions on the label of the products your received. It's that easy. No complicated therapies, no equipment.  

I am having itchy scalp, a little bit of premature white hairs and experiencing hair loss currently, which package you recommend me to get? 

In this case, we suggest you to go for EcoHerbs Neem Package, that's the one you should use. It can solve your premature hair issue, itchiness on scalp and grow back your hair as well. 

If you don't have any premature white hair issue, we suggest you go for EcoHerbs Ginseng Extra Strength Package. This is the package where most our EcoHerbs users get it to stop their hair loss and grow back hair naturally.


Is it ok to take use your shampoos and serums for long term?

 Yes, absolutely, and that is what is recommended.

As mentioned, our lab research show that using our Herbal Shampoo and Serums gives you healthier hair than using chemical shampoo and hair tonic. 

We truly believe that EVERYONE should be taking EcoHerbs Shampoos and Serum daily, to continually fight against any bacteria, dirts, oil, or viral infections that may otherwise take hold on your scalp.


Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

Not at all. EcoHerbs Shampoos and Serums is manufactured under an allergen-free manufacturing process. Our product is very safe to use and not tested on animal.

If I have 3 years old kid with hair inflamatory issue because of virus infection, can I use this product for them?

EcoHerbs Shampoos and Serums are all-natural formula that is safe and effective for nearly everyone including children above 3 years old.

We do have users with alopecia areata symptoms using our shampoos and successfully solve their hair issue. Just use it consistently and you will see result comes naturally yeah.

Will anything else be sent to me, or billed to me, after I order?

No. This is NOT an auto-ship program.

You only get shipped what you order today and nothing more.