For all "Lord of the Rings" fans, this book is a must read. A great biography on that great orphan, scholar, soldier, professor, and author of what is considered by many to be the finest book of the 20th Century, J.R.R. Tolkien!
There are 125 pages about the life of Tolkien, from when he was born in South Africa, January 3, 1892, to the day he died on September 2, 1973. The book is divided into seven chapters:
Chapter 1) Beginnings: This chapter tells about how Tolkien's parents were married and they began their life in South Africa. When both his parents died he lived with Father Francis and when he was old enough, was accepted to Exeter College.
Chapter 2) Oxford and Upward: Tolkien is now a man and has married his love, Edith Bratt. But then comes World War I and he is sent out as a second lieutenant. Luckily he comes back home safely.
Chapter 3) Inklings: Now a professor, Tolkien starts becoming very popular among students and friends. This chapter talks mostly about Tolkien's professor life and about his friends, especially one of his greatest friends, C.S. Lewis. (author of the acclaimed "Narnia Chronicles".)
Chapter 4) A Hole in the Ground: Tolkien finishes writing his first book, "The Hobbit". And quite to his surprise, he finds that many, many people simply loved it! Around that time, he also publishes "Farmer Giles of Ham" and "Mr. Bliss". He also beings writing "The Silmarillion", which he never really finished but his son, Christopher, did.
Chapter 5) His Lordship of the Rings: After 12 years of writing, Tolkien finished his "Lord of the Rings" story. Published in three books, it won over people and Tolkien is now very popular.
Chapter 6) Just Another Teacher: Even with his fame, Tolkien is still a wonderful teacher and family man. This chapter mostly focuses on his life afterwards.
Chapter 7) End Times: This chapter deals on the last years of Tolkien's life.
As I said a terrific book! Definitely for kids 11 and up and a worthy read for adults, too. A nice collection of around 28 pictures which, though black and white, are very clear pictures. A nice introduction in the beginning which I find very interesting. And also at the end of the book, there is a bibliography on books by Tolkien, his books which were edited by others, and also books about Tolkien. The index at the end was a good idea, too. A great read!

By Priscilla Stafford