250ml. Cherry Clay Lubricant
250ml. Lemon Clay Lubricant
50g pink fine and 50g yellow medium clay bars in a fantastic metal container

The best method of removing contaminants such as road tar, brake dust, tree sap, bird droppings and oxidation is by using a professional detailing clay bar.  
our polyclay will gently bond with any contaminants and remove them,  leaving a clean smooth surface. 
These contaminants cannot be removed by washing with a sponge and soapy water alone.    

All ways keep your paint work-surface well lubricated and the Clay bar at all times  
Our clay lubrication is pH balanced  
Our Detail Mist works uniquely with the chemical composite of the clay bar as it provides the necessary slick surface for the clay to glide on.  
As well as this, it is specially formulated for streak-free surface perfection for all over detailing.