Items as shown : new and immediately placed in a box or bag after acquiring from T-Mobile store.
Quickly stored and not passed around.
Condition sold is the condition I obtained originally.
we are ending subscription with Tmobile by next year so we really do not care about this stuff.

I usually place in another small zip lock bag to mail to keep pin background protected from water/humidity.
So this set might be in 2 bags, but at least one.
Group stays as a group, do not pick out items from the lot to sell seperately.

Shipped USPS ground (1st class) with the confirmation, ask me for another shipping in notes/email/message. 

OUTSIDE USA please ask about shipping.
We video all packaging and some shipping for proof.
USA (for Canada) has NOT been friendly at "customs" for national postal exchange.
Buyer understands that seller is not responsable for national exchange of postal system outside USA.
We have had bad experiences with buyers who do not understand that and ruined our reputation for selling by one negative feedback.

We do not take returns or trades.