MEXICO 100 PESOS 1982 UNC PREFIXS T-VB TOLTEK CHAC MOOL SCULPUCTURE AT CENTER,At left,portrait of Venustiano Carranza.Right of center, reproduction of the 1926 mural "La Trinchera" (The Trench) by José Clemente Orozco.,Script:Latin,Lettering:EL BANCO DE MEXICO S.A.PAGARA CIEN PESOS A LA VISTA AL PORTADOR LA TRINCHERA J C OROZCO V. CARRANZA,Translation:The Bank of Mexico S.A. will pay One Hundred Pesos on sight to the bearer,Reverse,At center,a Toltec Chac Mool sculpture.In the background, bas relief sculptures from the Tula archaeological site.Script:Latin,Lettering:CIEN PESOS TULA HGO.CHAC MOOL
BANCO DE MEXICO S.A.Translation:One Hundred Pesos,Tula Hidalgo,Bank of Mexico S.A.Printer;Banco de Mexico,Mexico