8 per order - Appx. 4" long Lucky Bamboo Stalks 
Water Plant - good as a gift, Feng Shui
(photos are as display suggestions. vases, bowls, rocks, gels, etc. are not included)

Lucky bamboo is a wonderful gift plant that adds a bold note to indoor decor with its often intricately arranged stems. It's a slow-growing foliage houseplant that's easy to care for in a low- or medium-light spot. You can find lucky bamboo available in an almost endless variety of arrangements, including heart shapes, twists, curls, and more. There's even lore about how many stems are in the arrangements!

This indoor plant grows well on desks and tabletops, making it a fun addition to your office, school, or home. Because lucky bamboo typically grows in water, you can personalize yours by putting it in watertight container you wish; secure the stems in place with marbles, stones, or other materials. 

There are different meanings associated with various lucky bamboo arrangements. 
           Two stalks represent love
           Three stalks represent Fu (happiness), Lu (wealth), and Soh (long life)
           Five stalks represent the areas of life that impact wealth
           Six stalks represent good luck and wealth
           Seven stalks represent good health
           Eight stalks represent growth
           Nine stalks represent great luck
           Ten stalks represent perfection
           Twenty-one stalks represent a powerful blessing

Lucky Bamboo Growing Instructions

Grow lucky bamboo in low or medium light for best results. It can take a high-light spot, but lucky bamboo doesn't like direct sun so it's best to protect it with a sheer curtain to diffuse the light.

You'll often see lucky bamboo sold without soil. The stems may be submerged in water with pebbles, gravel, marbles, colorful gels, even aquariums with fish. Lucky bamboo is happiest when you keep the stems submerged. While this plant can also grow just fine in most tap water, it is advisable to allow the water to sit overnight to allow the chlorine and other chemicals in the water to clear out.  Others like to use rain water, which of course is what ALL plants prefer. 

If you wish to fertilize your lucky bamboo, use a fertilizer for aquatic plants and follow the directions on the fertilizer package
When your lucky bamboo outgrows its container, you can easily transfer it to a larger container. Pack in pebbles, stones, or other materials to help keep the stems upright.