Offered for sale is a new copy of Straw Shooter Jets! Make your of really cool paper airplanes! Thanks for looking!

Build and launch your own mini air force in Straw Shooter Jets! Children can use plastic stencils to trace and cut out planes with custom designs and shoot them across the room with straws. With enough materials to create five each of the five high-performance jets, there are hours of endless fun guaranteed. Comes with everything you need, including 10 launch straws, nose weights, 50 custom printed paper jets and plastic stencils to create even more planes., Build and launch your own mini air force of 25 planes in Straw Shooter Jets Use plastic stencils to trace and cut out planes with custom designs and shoot them across the room with straws. Includes 10 launch straws, nose weights, 50 custom printed paper jets and plastic stencils to create even more planes. Hours of endless fun guaranteed., Build and launch your own mini air force! Here at Klutz, we are die-hard fans of the traditional paper airplane. After all, that classic play pattern (fold, throw, repeat) has a timeless appeal that can never be equaled. Or can it? Introducing a brilliant innovation in paper aerodynamics: the straw-launched jet. Don't throw it - blow it! Straw-Shooter Jets comes with everything anyone needs to make a fleet of puff-propelled flyers. Young aviators follow the step-by-step instructions to fold custom-designed paper patterns and attach the results to a straw fuselage. Once the jet is mounted on a special launch straw, it only takes a concentrated breath to send it soaring. In addition to folding instructions, the book features tips about getting the best performance from the jets, including real principals of aerodynamics. There are enough papers included to make ten each of five different jet models, from the mysterious X-88 to the aptly-named Spitfire. Cool artwork evokes flying team themes (beware the Sky Pirates!). But the fun doesn't end when the pre-printed papers are gone. Sturdy plastic stencils let straw-shooter aces trace and cut out planes from their own paper. How many jets can you make with this book? The sky's the limit! Comes with: 50 cut-out plane bodies, 4 standard straws, 10 jumbo straws, 10 custom rubber nose weights, a planebody plastic stencil, Don't throw it - blow it! Straw Shooter Jets comes with everything you need to make a fleet of puff-propelled precision flyers. Follow the step-by-step instructions to fold a custom-designed paper airplane, attach it to a launch straw, and one quick breath sends it soaring. This educational book gives you tips for getting the best performance from your jets, based on the science of aerodynamics. You get enough paper to make 10 each of five different jets, from the mysterious X-88 to the aptly-named Spitfire, plus 10 more bonus sheets. But the fun doesn't end when the pre-printed paper is gone. A sturdy plastic stencil lets you trace and cut out planes from your own paper. How many jets can you make with this book? The sky's the limit! Comes with: 60 page book, 60-cut-out planes, 4 standard straws, 10 jumbo straws, 10 custom rubber nose weights, a plane-body plastic stencil, Here at Klutz, we are diehard fans of the traditional paper airplane. After all, that classic play pattern (fold, throw, repeat) has a timeless appeal that can never be equaled. Or can it? Introducing a brilliant innovation in paper aerodynamics: the straw-launched jet. Don't throw it -- blow it! Straw Shooter Jets comes with everything anyone needs to make a fleet of puff-propelled flyers. Young aviators follow the step-by-step instructions to fold custom-designed paper patterns and attach the results to a straw fuselage. Once the jet is mounted on a special launch straw, it only takes a concentrated breath to send it soaring. In addition to folding instructions, the book features tips about getting the best performance from the jets, including real principals of aerodynamics. There are enough papers included to make ten each of five different jet models, from the mysterious X-88 to the aptlynamed Spitfire. Cool artwork evokes flying team themes (beware the Sky Pirates!). But the fun doesn't end when the pre-printed papers are gone. Sturdy plastic stencils let straw-shooter aces trace and cut out planes from their own paper. How many jets can you make with this book? The sky's the limit! Comes with: 60-page instruction book, 60 cut-out plane bodies, 4 standard straws, 10 jumbo straws, 10 custom rubber nose weights, a plane body plastic stencil Create wonderful things Be good Have fun

Product Identifiers
ISBN-10 0545647797
ISBN-13 9780545647793

Key Details
Author Karen Phillips, Klutz Editors
Number Of Pages 60 pages
Format Hardcover
Publication Date 2014-02-24
Language English
Publisher Klutz
Publication Year 2014

Weight 14.7 Oz
Height 0.7 In.
Width 8.6 In.
Length 9 In.

Target Audience
Group Juvenile Audience
Grade From Third Grade
Age Range 8

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