Comfrey Pellets 100% Pure, Natural Fertiliser and Soil Conditioner for Plants

Comfrey Pellets 100% Pure Natural Fertiliser and Soil Conditioner for Plants

Accelerate plant growth naturally with our 100% pure Comfrey Pellets.

Enrich your soil with trace elements, minerals and vitamins.

Either use the pellets to make up a liquid feed or simply scatter the pellets onto your soil.

How to create a liquid feed:

Mix 75g of pellets with 500ml of hot water (not boiling) into a small container which has a sealed lid. Mash the pellets into a pulp, put the lid on and leave for 3 days.  Mix 500ml of the diluted solution with 9.5L of water which will give you 10L of liquid feed. To make less or more feed just adjust the pellet and water quantities accordingly e.g. 150g of pellets and 1L of water will give you enough to make 20L of feed.

750g of pellets dilute to make 100L of liquid feed.

1.5kg of pellets dilutes to make 200L of liquid feed.

Scattering pellets:

One handful of pellets will cover approx  1 square metre. You should get around 60 handfuls from each bag so one bag will cover around 60 sq.m when applying as a pellet.

 NPK ratio 1.7:0.5:5.3