Titles in this set:

1) Rising Strong 
Language: English
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Vermilion
I0091955033 - ISBN-10
978-0091955038 - ISBN-13
9780091955038 - ISBN-13

2) Daring Greatly
Language: English
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Penguin Life
024125740 - ISBN-10
978-0241257401 - ISBN-13
9780241257401 -  ISBN-13

3) My Stroke of Insight 
Language: English
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Hodder Paperbacks 
0340980508 - ISBN-10
978-0340980507 - ISBN-13
9780340980507 - ISBN-13

4) Eat That Frog
Language: English
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Hodder Paperbacks
1444765426 - ISBN-10
978-1444765427 - ISBN-13
9781444765427 - ISBN-13


Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead 
Every time we are introduced to someone new, try to be creative, or start a difficult conversation, we take a risk. We feel uncertain and exposed. We feel vulnerable. Most of us try to fight those feelings - we strive to appear perfect.

Rising Strong 
The physics of vulnerability is simple: If we are brave enough often enough, we will fall. This is a book about what it takes to get back up and how owning our stories of disappointment, failure, and heartbreak gives us the power to write a daring new ending. Struggle can be our greatest call to courage and Rising Strong, our clearest path to deeper meaning, wisdom and hope.

My Stroke of Insight
The astonishing international bestseller that chronicles how a brain scientist's own stroke led to enlightenment.On the morning of the 10th December 1996, Jill Bolte Taylor, a thirty-seven-year-old Harvard-trained brain scientist experienced a massive stroke when a blood vessel exploded in the left side of her brain.

Eat That Frog
There just isn't enough time for everything on our 'To Do' list - and there never will be. Successful people don't try to do everything. They learn to focus on the most important tasks and make sure they get done.