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Feature-length episode of the BBC rural affairs programme presented by Helen Skelton, Ellie Harrison, Adam Henson, Matt Baker and John Craven. The presenters travel throughout the United Kingdom taking in various locations including the Lake District and the Cotswolds.

Product Countryfile: A Celebration of the Seasons [DVD]
Format: DVD
Catalogue No: 8302347
Studio: Universal Pictures
Certification: E
Release Date: 2014-12-01
Region: Region 2
Discs: 1 disc(s)
Produced (year): 2014
Colour: Colour

Extras: Anamorphic (16:9)|Language(s): English|Hard of Hearing Subtitles: English|Interactive Menu|Scene Access|Screen ratio 1:1.78
Extras: Bonus Footage|Documentaries: 'Helen Goes Home'|Making of Documentary|Outtakes