Subterfuge – Audio Visuals 25

Two Audio CD’s and Pre-Runner to the Big Finish Audiostories that are so popular today.


Here is the twenty-fifth story I have just bought fromthe local car boot.

Obviously transferred from the tapes that were made inthe early 80’s by fans for fans for people wanting just a little more who thanwas available.

Audio Quality is very good and the story itself isquite good too.

I have to say that considering these were just made byfans with average equipment they did a very good job.

Nick Briggs plays the Doctor.

Story is wrote by none other than Arthur Wallis andSamuel Flint!

On my own usual close inspection, I have noted the CDsare burnt and not pressed BUT taking into consideration that these were justmade by fans for fans in their own homes it does not surprise me.

The CDs lasts for just over 148 minutes.

And the cover has been very nicely put together too.


I have to say I think this is a lovely collectable.


Should anyone have any questions please feel free tocontact me.